All videos listed below are in the public domain and hosted at the Internet Archive.
Central Intelligence Agency
A Point in Time
Department of the Interior. Bureau of Reclamation.
The Story of Hoover Dam
Ford Motor Company
National Reconnaissance Office
Jeremiah Panel and the NRO
NRO: 40 Years of Reconnaissance
NRO: 50 Years of Vigilance From Above
NRO Declassification Briefing
NRO Historical Review
NRO: The Nation's Eyes and Ears in Space (1st ver.)
NRO: The Nation's Eyes and Ears in Space (2nd ver.)
Piercing the Curtain: Corona: A Triumph of American Technology
Piercing the Curtain: Corona Satellite Imagery
Piercing the Curtain: The First Satellite Reconnaissance System
U.S. Air Force
Evasion | Alternate copy
Camouflage for Evasion
U.S. Army
The Big Picture Series, 1951-1971
U.S. Army FM-1 Companion Video
Central Intelligence Agency films at the National Archives, 2006 (many of these can be found in FedFlix)
Defense Media Activity Classified Historical Films, 2016
Department of Defense Catalog of Audiovisual Productions Vol. 1 - Army Productions, 1984
Department of Defense Catalog of Audiovisual Productions Vol. 2 - Navy and Marine Corps Productions, 1984
Department of Defense Catalog of Audiovisual Productions Vol. 3 - Air Force and Misc. DoD Productions, 1984
Department of Defense Catalog of Audiovisual Productions, Vol. 4 - DoD Productions Cleared for Public Release, 1984
Department of Defense films transferred to the National Archives, 1990-1996 (many of these are in the NARA classified film list)
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center films and videos, 2012
Joint Personnel Recovery Agency films and videos, 2001
Kennedy Space Center films and videos, 2009
Los Alamos National Laboratory films and videos
National Archives classified films and videos, 2013
National Nuclear Security Administration films and videos, 2014
National Reconnaissance Office Master Videotape Index
National Security Agency Television Center Catalog, 1991 (2018 ISCAP release)
State Department Film and Videotape Library, 2001
U.S. Marshals Service Training Academy Library videos, 2008
U.S. Secret Service documentary and training films, 1943-1974
Voice of America legacy analog data recording assets, 2011