Axis War Crime Records
Records collected by the United Nations and associated governments on war crimes committed during World War II.
War Crimes trials conducted by...
Belgium - Von Rundstedt Trial
Britain - Belsen Trial
Britain - Essen Lynching Trial
Britain - Peleus Trial
Germany - British Zone
International Military Tribunal for the Far East
International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg)
Nationalist China (Taiwan)
Soviet Union - Unit 731 Trials
United States - Doctors' Trial
United States - German Demilitarization Hearings
United States - IG Farben Trial
United States - Malmedy Massacre Hearings
United States - Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression
United States - Subsequent Nuremberg Trials
United States - Unabridged Tribunal Microfilm
United States - Yokohama
UN Law Reports of War Criminal Trials
UNWCC National Trial Results
UNWCC National Trial Synopses
Monographs and Reports
Bulgarian Atrocities in Greece
Dachau Concentration Camp
German Crimes Against Czechoslovakia
German Crimes Against Poland
Italian Crimes in Yugoslavia
Summary of First Six Reports of the State Commission for the Investigation of the Crimes of the Invaders and Their Assistants
The Civilization of Fascist Italy in Ethiopia
UNWCC Guide to the Records of the United Nations War Crimes Commission, London, 1943 - 1948
UNWCC Guide to Records of the War Crimes Trials Held in Nurnberg, Germany, 1945-1949
Lists of War Criminals
Lists of individuals accused or suspected of war crimes by the Allied Powers.
Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects (CROWCASS)
UNWCC Lists of War Criminals
Holocaust Asset Recovery
Records relating to the recovery of items looted by Nazi Germany during the course of the war.
1997 | U.S. and Allied Efforts to Recover and Restore Gold and Other Assets Stolen or Hidden by Germany During World War II
1998 | Washington Conference on Holocaust-Era Assets
2000 | Plunder and Restitution: The U.S. and Holocaust Victims' Assets
Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets
Art and Cultural Property and “Others” Review Form Binders
Gold Team Review Form Binders
History Associates Binder
Non-Gold Financial Assets Review Form Binders
Non-Gold Financial Assets Review Form Binders (2)
RG 84, Foreign Service Posts of the State Department—Turkey
RG 260, Finance Inventory Forms
Unnumbered Documents from Archives II and Various Notes
Department of Justice Office of Special Investigations Reports
In the Matter of Josef Mengele
In the Matter of Kurt Waldheim
Klaus Barbie and the United States Government
Robert Jan Verbelen and the United States Government
Nazi War Crimes and Imperial Japanese Government Disclosure Acts
Records relating to Axis war crimes transferred to the National Archives at the direction of Congress.
RG 238 - National Archives Collection of World War II War Crimes Records
RG 242 - National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized
RG 260 - Records of U.S. Occupation Headquarters, World War II
RG 263 - Central Intelligence Agency
- Abramtchik, Mikola: AECAMBISTA-4, CAMBISTA-4 (cryptonyms). Associated with AEQUOR and AEDEPOT/AEREADY Projects. See also AMCOMLIB, BNR, CHAURUS, SONR.
- Abs, Herman J.: Member of the board of directors of Deutsche Bank from 1938 to 1945. After World War II he was chairman of Deutsche Bank, and contributed to the reconstruction of the German economy. Played a key role in the economic design and stabilization of Nazism.
- AEACRE, vols. 1-4: AEACRE (1952-64) established a mechanism for the planning and conduct of REDSOX operations via a Domestic Operations Base (DOB) used for the interrogation, assessment, training, briefing, and preparation for dispatch of agents for infiltration into the USSR. Aleks Kurgvel, Tscherim Soobzokov associated with Project.
- AEBALCONY: AEBALCONY (1960-62) was designed to use U.S. citizens with Baltic language fluency in "mounted" and "piggy-back" legal traveler operations into Soviet occupied Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Jouzas Brazaitis, Vilis Hazners, Edgars Laipenieks associated with Project.
- AECARRERA: AECARRERA (1953-58) exploited REDCAP opportunities (collection of information on Soviets stationed abroad) arising out of the propaganda distributed by AEVIRGIL and collected positive intelligence through debriefings of East German nationals visiting the AECARRERA office in Berlin in response to AEVIRGIL materials ballooned into East Germany. Wilhelm Gruenwaldt associated with Project.
- AECHAMP, vols. 1-2: AEFREEMAN (1953-64), which included AEBASIN/AEROOT (1953-60), AEFLAG (1955-62), and AEPOLE (formerly AECHAMP (1949-59)), was designed to strengthen resistance to communism and harrass the Soviet regime in the Baltic countries. AEBASIN/AEROOT supported Estonian emigres and émigré activities aganist the Estonian SSR. AEFLAG was aimed at people of the Latvian SSR. AEPOLE (formerly AECHAMP (formerly BGLAPIN)) targeted the Lithuanian SSR. These projects provided intelligence and operational data from Baltic countries through radio broadcasts, mailing operations, liaison with emigre organizations, political and psychological (PP) briefings for legal travelers and exploitation of other media such as demonstrations. Aleks Kurgvel, Elmar Lipping, Romulus Mandel associated with AEBASIN/AEROOT Project. Vilis Hazners associated with AEFLAG Project. Antanas Bernotas, Jouzas Brazaitis, Stasys Rastikis associated with AEPOLE Project. Alexandras Lileikis associated with AECHAMP Project. Ilgvars Skaistlauks considered for possible use on AECHAMP Project. See AEGEAN/CAPSTAN.
- AECOB / ZRLYNCH, vols. 1-3: AECOB, approved in 1950, was a vehicle for foreign intelligence (FI) operations into and within Soviet Latvia and involved infiltration and exfiltration of black agents and the recruitment of legally resident agents in the USSR, especially Latvia. ZRLYNCH was approved in 1950 for use of the Latvian Resistance Movement, which had been formed in 1944, as a vehicle for clandestine activities within the USSR. ZRLYNCH was renewed in 1952 as a part of AECOB, which then provided both FI and political and psychological (PP) activities. AECOB / ZRLYNCH PP project was terminated in 1955. AECOB FI project was terminated in 1959. Roberts Ancans, Andrejs Apsits, Nikolajs Balodis, Arturs Brombergs, Freds Launags, Edvins Ozolins, Janis Ozolins, Janis Presnikovs, Alfreds Riekstins, Peteris Rungis, ILmars Rupners, Arturs Stankevics, Vidvuds Sveics, Voldis Viksna associated with Project. Janis Ozols considered for possible use on Project.
- AEDEPOT, vols. 1-4: AEDEPOT (formerly AEREADY) (1957-65) was designed to provide a trained "Hot War" cadre of agents who could be used during a period of heightened tensions/increased alert or during actual hostilities against the Soviet Union. Mikola Abramtchik, Constantine Mierlak, Tscherim Soobzokov associated with Project.
- AEDOGMA / AEBATH: AEDOGMA / AEBATH (1947-61), which supported the activities of the Principal Agent (PA), Michael Korzhan, was designed to produce CI/CE information on two Ukrainian nationalist groups in Germany; positive intelligence on other Ukrainian groups in Germany and Western Europe; information on Soviet penetration of Orthodox churches; and miscellaneous CE and other support activities beginning in 1947. In 1959, the PA was transferred to Paris to report on the efforts of the Soviet Services in emigre circles; and to act as a spotter in Soviet emigre circles for REDSKIN opportunities. The PA was not very productive in Paris and the project was terminated in 1961.
- AEFREEMAN: AEFREEMAN (1953-64), which included AEBASIN/AEROOT (1953-60), AEFLAG (1955-62), and AEPOLE (formerly AECHAMP (1949-59)), was designed to strengthen resistance to communism and harrass the Soviet regime in the Baltic countries. AEBASIN/AEROOT supported Estonian emigres and émigré activities aganist the Estonian SSR. AEFLAG was aimed at people of the Latvian SSR. AEPOLE (formerly AECHAMP (formerly BGLAPIN)) targeted the Lithuanian SSR. These projects provided intelligence and operational data from Baltic countries through radio broadcasts, mailing operations, liaison with emigre organizations, political and psychological (PP) briefings for legal travelers and exploitation of other media such as demonstrations. Aleks Kurgvel, Elmar Lipping, Romulus Mandel associated with AEBASIN/AEROOT Project. Vilis Hazners associated with AEFLAG Project. Antanas Bernotas, Jouzas Brazaitis, Stasys Rastikis associated with AEPOLE Project. Alexandras Lileikis associated with AECHAMP Project. ILgvars Skaistlauks considered for possible use on AECHAMP Project.
- AEFLAG: AEFREEMAN (1953-64), which included AEBASIN/AEROOT (1953-60), AEFLAG (1955-62), and AEPOLE (formerly AECHAMP (1949-59)), was designed to strengthen resistance to communism and harrass the Soviet regime in the Baltic countries. AEBASIN/AEROOT supported Estonian emigres and émigré activities aganist the Estonian SSR. AEFLAG was aimed at people of the Latvian SSR. AEPOLE (formerly AECHAMP (formerly BGLAPIN)) targeted the Lithuanian SSR. These projects provided intelligence and operational data from Baltic countries through radio broadcasts, mailing operations, liaison with emigre organizations, political and psychological (PP) briefings for legal travelers and exploitation of other media such as demonstrations. Aleks Kurgvel, Elmar Lipping, Romulus Mandel associated with AEBASIN/AEROOT Project. Vilis Hazners associated with AEFLAG Project. Antanas Bernotas, Jouzas Brazaitis, Stasys Rastikis associated with AEPOLE Project. Alexandras Lileikis associated with AECHAMP Project. Ilgvars Skaistlauks considered for possible use on AECHAMP Project.
- AERODYNAMIC, vols. 1-47: AERODYNAMIC (formerly CARTEL, ANDROGEN, AECARTHAGE) (1949-70) refers to CIA support for ZP/UHVR (Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council), which began in 1949. CIA helped to establish in New York City the Prolog Research and Publishing Company in 1953 as ZP/UHVR's publishing and research arm. Prolog, through an affiliate in Munich, published periodicals and selected books and pamphlets which sought to exploit and increase nationalist and other dissident tendencies in the Soviet Ukraine. ZP/UHVR operational activity concentrated on propaganda and contact operations. In 1970, AERODYNAMIC was redesignated QRPLUMB. The file includes AERODYNAMIC Development and Plans (Vol. 1-8), Operations (Vol. 9-41), and Contact Reports (Vol. 42-47). Yaroslav Fedyk, Ivan Hrinioch, Mykola Lebed, Yury Lopatinsky, Lyubomir Ortinskiy associated with Project. Roman Tymewycz a clerical employee in Branch Office of Project AERODYNAMIC.
- Albert, Ludwig
- Ben-Nathan, Asher: CONDUCTOR (cryptonym). Associated with Project SYMPHONY. Asher Ben-Nathan aka Arthur PIER.
- Gruenwald, Wilhelm: AECADILT-10, AEVIRGIL-109 (cryptonyms). Associated with AECARRERA/AEVIRGIL Project.
- SYMPHONY, vols. 1-2: Project SYMPHONY (1946-47) was an OSS/SSU project to use the influx of Jewish refugees into Austria from Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland managed by the Jewish Agency for Palestine (JAFP) in Austria (active beginning 1944 with mission of organizing and facilitating Jewish emigration to Palestine) and the Bricha (an unofficial Jewish organization active post-war that established illegal routes and guided illegal transports through Europe) for sources of CI information, to identify communists/Soviet agents among the refugees, and to gain information about the JAFP intelligence service. Asher Ben-Nathan (aka Arthur PIER), who was head of JAFP in Austria, was the chief agent (CONDUCTOR). Erich Wender (LILAC) associated with Project.
- QRPLUMB, vols. 1-5: QRDYNAMIC/QRPLUMB (formerly AEBEEHIVE) (1970-91) superceded Project AERODYNAMIC and supported the Ukrainian émigré organization ZP / UHVR (Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council) with a New York publishing arm called Prolog Research Corporation (QRTENURE, AETENURE) and a Munich Office, Ukrainian Society for Foreign Studies (QRTERRACE, AETERRACE), publisher of the monthly journal Suchasnist. CIA terminated QRPLUMB after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1991 and provided funds to enable Prolog to transition to a privately-funded company. In 1992, Prolog's monthly Ukrainian journal Suchasnist (Contemporary Times) was successfully transitioned to a publishing company in Kiev, Ukraine and thereafter was published as a collaborative effort between Prolog and a Ukrainian group in Kiev. Ivan Hrinioch, Mykola Lebed, Yury Lopatinsky, Lyubomir Ortinskiy associated with Project.
RG 319 - Army Staff
Selected Printouts of Digital Intelligence and Investigative Dossiers from Impersonal Files, ca. 1977–ca. 2004
This series consists of printouts of selected digital intelligence and investigative dossiers from impersonal files. Included are memorandums, reports, statements, affidavits, lists, and other records. Most of the files relate to topics arising out of World War II and the Cold War. Some of the records are in German and Russian. Covers 1933-1958.
- 1st CIC Detachment D 250865
- 21st Army Gp Cables D 136710
- 21st Army Group CI Documents D 035407
- 252100 Series D 252100A
- 252100 Series XE 250835
- Abwehr and SD Personalities D 018677
- Abwehr and SD Personalities XE 018677
- Abwehr III in Portugal XE 188096
- Abwehr IM D 152052
- Abwehr in Iran D 065162
- Abwehr Interests in Italian Special Formations D 200562
- Abwehr Organization and Personnel in Poland D 048861
- Abwehr Organization and Personnel in Poland XE 048861
- Abwehr Organization and Personnel in Poland XE 048861 Variant
- Activities of Jewish DP's D152436
- Activities of TIB Personalities XA 002609
- Agent Report Regarding the Congressional Katyn Investigation, June 19, 1952
- Agent Reports Relating to the Congressional Katyn Investigation and Related Records, 1952
- Aid to SS Officers by Soviet Agent (Extract) D 052667
- Alleged American Prisoner D 240744 (4pp)
- Alleged American Prisoner D 240744 (5pp)
- Alleged Egyptian Recruiting of German Physicians D 200585
- Alleged Recruiting of German Military Experts for Egypt and Syria XA 048841
- Alleged War Crime Incident D 021961
- Alleged War Criminals Harbored by US Element MSN 57645
- Amsterdam Gestapo and SIPO Personalities XE 180029
- AMT IV A D 206259
- AMT IV A XE 206259
- AMT IV Berlin D 153850
- AMT IV-N/RSHA D 037593
- AMT VI Active Personalities XE 020979
- AMT VI Chief Personalities D 020979
- AMT VI E Funds XE153934
- AMT VI Switzerland D 048989
- Anti Comintern D209485
- Anti Communist Activites (CHISEL Reports) D 137903
- Anti-Nazi Groups in Germany and Austria XE019458
- Anti-Semitic Feeling, Frankfurt XE369949
- Antisemitism Among the Russians XA024905
- Apprehension of Concentration Camp Personnel MSN 46798
- Arabian Nationalist Groups D 169253
- Arabian Nationalist Groups XE 169253
- Argentina Emigration Restrictions MSN46575
- Argentina (Nazi Activities in Argentine) D065157
- Argentine Consulate, Munich D153382
- Argentine Consulate, Munich XE153382
- Argentine Project D021524
- Atrocity at Oradour sur Glane D032738
- Auschwitz Concentration Camp D140590
- Auschwitz Concentration Camp XE140590
- Austrian War Criminals D021680
- Austro-Italian Border Control MSN51530
- Background Investigations: Paperclip (excerpts) XE202639
- Baltic Liberated Jews XE241808
- Baltic Nationals XE137616
- Baltic War Criminals D280162
- Bandera Movement Vol E D137656
- Bandera Partisans MSN 46718
- Banderist Activity D190425
- Banking and Finance in Germany D018698
- BAOR Special Wanted Lists (extract) XE010579
- Beating of Gendarm MSN48166
- Belgian Gestapo Members XE106634
- Belgian Gestapo Members in Marburg/Lahn (List of Former) D106634
- Belsen, Jews DP Camp at Bergen D238074
- Belsen, Jews DP Camp in Bergen XE238074
- Birkenau Concentration Camp XE035755
- Bocholt DP Camp, War Criminals and SS Officers, Location of D185689
- Bocholt DP Camp, War Criminals and SS Officers, Location of XE185689
- Brandenburg Division XE021366
- Brandenburg Division Intelligence Net D307336
- Brandenburg Movement XA030349
- BRICHA (Flight), Jewish Organization for Emigration From Austria XA030145
- BRICHA (Flight), Jewish Organization for Emigration from Austria MSN53997
- Brotherhood of Hungarian Warriors vol. 3 DA002030
- Bruderschaft, Die D267740
- Bruderschaft, Die vol. 2 D267240
- Bruderschaft Factions, the D267240 Variant
- Bunker at Obersalzburg HE500455
- Cancellation of Merchant of Venice XE080107
- Captured Enemy Documents D010672
- Cases Rejected by Immigration and Naturalization Service XE286972
- Catholic Pfaaramt in Hallein MSN53350
- CHISEL (Wiesbaden) D169402
- CI War Room, London Liquidation...Reports D234710
- CIC Access to St. Georges Prison XE399790
- CIC Historical Information D257340
- CIC Historical Information XE257340
- CIC Weekly Arrest Reports XE135155
- Code Transmission From Enemy Territory, 1944 D204682
- Communications Experts-PAPERCLIP D241399
- Communications Experts-PAPERCLIP XE241399
- Communist Activities in Connection with War Crimes Trials D238150
- Concentration Camp Crakow XE048866
- Concentration Camp Directives (German) XE219222
- Concentration Camp Personalities D135176
- Concentration Camp Trials in Dachau D152578
- Concentration Camp Trials in Dachau D152578 (variant)
- Counterfeiting Ring, Birkenau D244210
- Croat Ustasha Activities in St. Gilgen Area MSN57436
- Current Jewish DP Situation in Austria MSN53962
- Czech Gestapo/Wehrwolf Activities D049214
- Dachau War Crimes Section XE322171
- Degussa XE009914
- Denazification D269921
- Denazification CIC Policy D010006
- Denial of Information on War Crimes XE399790
- Disposition of German Army Dangerous Personnel D228204
- Documents and Effects of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun XE293232
- Documents in German D011510
- Documents of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem MSN53145
- Dossier on Katyn Forest Murders, 1948
- Dossier on Katyn Forest Murders, 1948
- Double Agents of Interest to the US D152810
- Eglfing-Haar Insane Asylum D106543
- Eglfing-Haar Insane Asylum XE106543 variant
- Egypt Political D135210
- Egyptian and Iraqian Wanted Personalities D216012
- Egyptian and Iraqian Wanted Personalities XE216012
- Egyptian Activities in the Federal Republic XE331318
- Egyptian NSDAP Records XE026402
- Egyptian Personalities XE209213
- Egyptian Recruiting D200585
- Einsatzkommand den Haag D156627
- Emigration of German Jet Pilots to U.S. D163846
- Emigration to Argentina D169524
- Employment of German Agents by 970th XE184724
- Escapes and Riots (Jewish) D137599
- Eugenics Court XE153168
- Exploration of American Tunnel FE004383
- Extermination Brigade MSN 52675
- Extradition Requests D245160
- FATS: Organization and the Balkan Campaign D152406
- Flossenberg Concentration Camp Records XE049326
- Flying Saucers MSN46040
- Former Abwehr Personnel Used by Soviets D250493
- Former German Agents in Austria D182816
- Former German Agents in Austria XE182816
- Former German ENIGMA Cypher Firms D190213
- Former German Officers D169842
- Former German Officers XE169842
- Former German Pilots in Soviet Zone XE242104
- Former GIS Officials Repatriated to USA Zone D075352
- Former GIS Officials Repatriated to USA Zone XE075352
- Former GIS Personalities Employed by FIS Austria and Germany MSN53073
- Former Illegal Communists MSN43033
- Former Illegal Communists in Austria MSN 43030
- Former Implicated Nazis in the KPO MSN49172
- Former Nazi Gendarmes still on Duty MSN55159
- Former NSDAP Members XE169763
- Former OKW and Abwehr Collaborators XE296593
- Former OSS Personalities in Salzburg MSN55414
- Former Personalities, HQ HSSPF Salzburg MSN 53710
- Former SS Officers Employed by MVD XE197250
- Former Vienna Hitler Jugend in Salzburg MSN53560
- Former Wehrmacht Officer Clandestine Organization D202609
- Former Wehrmacht Officers Employed with Industrial Police XE236200
- Fraudulent Documents for Immigration to South America D269539
- Freikorps Adolf Hitler D009781
- French Foreign Legion Recruiting in US Zone XE278585
- French Inmates at Ravensbruck D152576
- French Morocco D137555
- GAF Agents D153241
- German Activities in Latin America D209426
- German Activities in Latin America XE209426
- German Advisors for Egyptian Army HE500059
- German Agent Repartiated from Ireland XE240763
- German Ambassador to Italy XE185968
- German Archives D031583
- German Atrocities D209396
- German Atrocities in France D031559
- German Chemical Warfare Personnel D248952
- German Church View, The XE135078
- German Embassy in Italy D185968
- German Foreign Office Personnel XE209379
- German Foreign Office Special Gold Fund D264314
- German Intelligence Activities in Holland D152090
- German Intelligence Personnel Employed by French Intelligence D169457
- German Intelligence Service in Hungry XE219451
- German Legation and German Intervention in Hungary D209465
- German Medical Intelligence D209321
- German Methods of Combatting Soviet Intelligence Service D007794
- German Methods of Combatting Soviet Intelligence Service D209478
- German Military Occupation of Hungary D094502
- German Nationals in Egypt D008237
- German Nationals in Egypt D008237 variant
- German Nationals in Egypt XE008237
- German Suspect Activity Connected with Argentina XE231177
- German V1 and V2 Engineers D052721
- German Version of the Suicide Weapon D209342
- Germans Returning to Germany D137672
- Gestapo Aussenstelle Heidelberg D035498
- Gestapo Card Index "A" D020493
- Gestapo Box XE179173
- Gestapo Karlsruhe D018190
- Gestapo, Vienna D152106
- GIS Counterfeit Unit AMT 6F D21912
- GIS in China and Japan XE2093611
- GIS Officials- Wanted List, Italy
- Gruppa (GDD) D240697
- Gruppe IV A D206259
- Helping Hands XE306114
- Herzogenbusch Concentration Camp D030966
- Hilfswerk der Evangel. Kirchen Vol 1 XE202625
- Himmelfahrtskommando D002301
- Himmler's Files From Hallein D162388
- Himmler's Files from Hallein XE162388
- Hindenburg Zepplin Disaster XE137154
- Hitler, Adolf- A Composite Picture D153642
- Hitler, Adolf- A Composite Picture D153642 Vol. 1
- Hitler, Adolf- A Composite Picture XE153642
- Hitler, Death Of D206014
- Hitler, July 20th Putsch, List of Participants D224589
- Hitler, Rumored Poisoning of D198119
- Hitler, Rumored Poisoning of XE050394
- Hitler, Rumored Poisoning of XE198119
- Hitler As Seen By His Doctors D000922
- Hitler File XE002842
- Hitlers File D002842
- Hitler's Air Raid Shelter, Last Letters From D209441
- Hitler's Air Raid, Last Letters From XE209441
- Hitler's Dentist D001247
- Hitler's Head, X-ray Plates of D235048
- Hitler's Head, X-ray Plates of XE235048
- Hitler's Jawbone, Investigation of D206014 (55pp.)
- Hitler's Jawbone, Investigation of D206014 (67pp.)
- HOF SS Members List D194382
- Holland Military and Political D135198
- Hollerith Record Machines D024438
- HQ Army Group Vistula D024254
- Hungarian National Treasure D206284
- Hungarian Pro Nazi: Sympathizers D002469
- Hungarian SS Men MSN53770
- Hungarian War Criminals D007670
- Hungarian Warriors, Vol. 1 DA022630
- Hungarian Warriors, Vol. 2 DA022630
- Hungary's Part in World War II D180028
- Hutted Camps and Barracks Wehrkreis V D041794
- Identification of Nazis D050674
- Illegal Immigration to Argentina, Alleged Channel XA033649
- Institute for Central European Research D246610
- Intelligence Service in Italy, Vol. 1 D200557
- Intelligence Service in Italy, Vol. 2 D200557
- International Harvester Neuss XE235187
- International Red Cross Italy D211089
- Investigation of the Wehrwolf Movement D152090
- Israel: Intelligence, Vienna XA003113
- Israel: Intelligence Service in Germany D323184
- Italy-Clandestine Emigration of Germans to Argentina MSN46675
- Italy-List of SS Members in Florence D228282
- Italy-Martin Bormann
- Italy SD, Genoa D232118
- Italy SD, Genoa XE232118
- Italy-SS Agents List in Rome D211225
- Italy-SS General Waechter XA205194
- Italy, War Crimes D209245
- Jewish Agency Operations in Land Salzburg MSN54000
- Jewish Agency Palestine XE190441
- Jewish Agency-USSR Agreement MSN46020
- Jewish DP Movement out of Austria MSN53963
- Jewish Comment on the Austrian Nazi Situation MSN49365
- Jewish Emigration from Rumania D211048
- Jewish Emigration from Rumania XE211048
- Jewish Historical Documentation MSN53969
- Jewish Organizations in Europe MSN54009
- Jewish Refugees from China XE286868
- Jews, Political Parties in U.S. Zone D224991
- Katyn Investigation XA001109
- Katyn Investigation XA012493
- Katyn Forest Murder XE229548
- Katyn Forest Murders, Vol. 1 D229548
- Katyn Forest Murders, Vol. 2 D229548
- Katyn Investigation XA001109
- Katyn Investigation XA012493
- KPD Actitivies D137903
- KPD Membership D197848
- Kronberg Jewel Case XE010346
- KZ Lager Theresienstadt D153818
- Landesburg War Crimes Prisoners D266376
- Location of Possible War Criminals in British DP Camp D185689
- Majdanek Extermination Camp D211400
- Majdanek Extermination Camp XE211400
- MAINE Reports- July-Sept 1947, Vol. 1 XE195838
- MAINE Reports- Oct 1947-Feb 1948, Vol. 2 XE195838
- Mass Graves in Stuppach XE320558
- Master Discs of Hitler, Mussolini, etc.- Extract D211166
- Mauthausen Concentration Camp D048165
- Mauthausen Concentration Camp Records D041504
- Mauthausen Concentration Camp Records XE041504
- Mauthausen Concentration Camp XA048765
- MIL AMT I D235181
- MIL AMT Abteilung G D235180
- Miscellaneous Intelligence, Vienna XA003113
- Monte Casino Bombing D204640
- Nazi Activities in Argentine XE065757
- Nazi Activity in Argentine XE065157 variant
- Nazi Emigration to Argentina D228228
- Nazi Party Membership/Palestine D115610
- Nazi Party Membership List/United States XE030394
- Nazi Party Membership Records/Sweden
- Nazi Party Records/Switzerland D115612
- Nazi Party Records/Syria XE115613
- Nazi Personalities MSN55164
- Nazi Personalities XA030253
- Nazi Situation XA048824
- Nazi Sponsored Insurance Company MSN46795
- Nazi to be Watched MSN42842
- Neisser Affair, The D002296
- ODESSA D185681
- Operation APPLE PIE D180216
- Operation BINGO D169023
- Operation BRANDY D169025
- Operation CRESOL D229535
- Operation DEADLOCK D066699
- Operation DOUBLE AGENT XE398541
- Operation GOPHER D221512-British Reports
- Operation GOPHER D221513
- Operation GOPHER D221514
- Operation GOPHER-British Reports, Vol. 2 D221512
- Operation GOPHER-Headquarters, Vol. 1 (extract) XE 221510
- Operation GOPHER-Headquarters File, Vol. 3 D221510
- Operation HIGHBOY MSN33528
- Operation HONEY POT (extract) D129868
- Operation HONEY POT, Vol. 1 XE035081
- Operation HONEY POT, Vol. 2 XE035081
- Operation LIGHTER D266376
- Operation LIGHTER, Vol. 3 of 3 D266376 (extract)
- Operation MAGIC CIRCLE (BC) XE234241
- Operation MANDL MSN43444
- Operation MESA D165399 (4pp.)
- Operation MESA D165399 (5pp.)
- Operation MESA D180047
- Operation MESA D185671
- Operation MESA D185819
- Operation MESA D185912
- Operation PILGRIM D054746
- Operation PILGRIM XE054746
- Operation POPCORN D026120
- Operation ROME (Rome Six) D085674
- Operation RUSTY Liaison Personnel XE184746
- Operation RUSTY Personalities D169325 (1 of 2)
- Operation RUSTY Personalities D169325 (2 of 2)
- Operation RUSTY Personalities, Pt. 1 XE169325
- Operation RUSTY Personalities, Pt. 2 XE169325
- Operation RUSTY-Soviet Intelligence Operations in Berlin D567061
- Operation SELECTION BOARD D169148
- Operation SELECTION BOARD D221513
- Operation SELECTION BOARD- REGIX PUB, Reaction XE169148
- Operation SELECTION BOARD III D221513
- Operatives Dropped by TIB XA018286
- ORPO Field Policies and Directives XE135061
- Palestine Political D137501
- Palestine Underground D195970
- Paraguayan Passports D206266
- Perpetrators, Auschwitz Concentration Camp D152124
- Personalities Extradited to Belgium MSN51622
- Policies of Jewish DP Leaders MSN53935
- Polish Concentration Camps D268886
- Polish Concentration Camps XE268886
- Polish Criminals Index XE195899
- Possible War Criminals, Location of D185689
- Prisoners Detained at San Vittorio Prison, Milan D206122
- Prisoners in Custody at Oberursel D139375
- Program for Surrender of War Criminals D200420
- Project HAPPINESS, Vol. 1 D137900
- Project HAPPINESS, Vol. 1 (variant) D137900
- Project HAPPINESS, Vol. 5 D137899
- Project HAPPINESS D137902
- Project RUSTY XA042547
- Project WELFARE MSN57708
- Promethian League D001419
- Puppet Croatia MSN52243
- Reclassification of Nazis MSN46637
- Reichsbank Gold D153767
- Reichsbank Gold XE153767
- Rimini DP Camp XE137505
- RKFDV D153268
- Roster of Italian SS, Bolzano D228283
- RSHA AMT IV A 3(a) (N) (Censorship) XE169083
- RSHA Personalities in Kiev XE025002
- Russia in 1943, SD Report to Himmler D153770
- SD Abschnit/Saarebruck D007667
- SD Abschnittklaggenfurt D013687
- SD, German Document from File of D153440
- SD, German Document From File of D153770
- SD Organization and Records XE209397
- SD Penetration of Allied Intelligence, Italy D231577
- SD Personnel XE012972
- SD Posen D219458
- SD Records, Recovery of XE169522
- SIPO and SD Einsatzkommandos D048963
- SIPO and SD Einsatzkommandos D048963 (variant) (13pp)
- SIPO and SD Einsatzkommandos D048963 (variant) (15pp)
- SIPO and SD Einsatzkommandos D048963 (variant) (16pp)
- SIPO and SD Personnel, Merano (Italy) D219245
- SIPO and SD Salzburg D219461
- SIPO Einsatzkommandos D206193
- SIPO SD Brussels D018674
- Skorzeny Group D153775
- Spain: Possible German Underground Organization D135008
- Spain: Possible German Underground Organization XE135007
- Speer Ministry D002186 (1 of 2)
- Speer Ministry D002186 (2 of 2)
- SPIDER, Pt. 1 XA000902
- SPIDER, Pt. 2 (1 of 2) XA000902
- SPIDER, Pt. 2 (2 of 2) XA000902
- SS Activities in Poland D242080
- SS and Polizeigerichte XE009745
- SS and SD Suspects D049223
- SS and SD Suspects at Krumaing XE049223
- SS Arbeitslager Leonberg XE207611
- SS Economic and Administrative Department XE060709
- SS Fifth Column XE135177
- SS Helferinnen D019557
- SS in the ORPO D020820
- SS Internment of Jews, Documents Concerning D228255
- SS Internment of Jews, Documents Concerning XE228255
- SS Jagdverbande D153398
- SS Jagdverbands Personalities D207632
- SS Leaders in Hiding MSN56754
- SS Leitstelle Argentien D219049
- SS Membership in Kriminalpolizei in Salzburg MSN56755
- SS Personnel in Berlin XE024440
- SS Race and Settlement Dept. D135154
- SS Research Institution D002197
- SS Research Institution XE002197
- SS Totenkopf Regt. 9 D021215 (extract)
- SS Totenkopf Units D014016
- SS Totenkopf Units D021215
- SS-WVHA and Feldkommandostelle Grossgarten D023719
- Stalin, Consolidation of Personal Power of D152099
- Surrender of War Criminal Suspects, Program for the D200420
- Suspected Nazi Underground Mov't XA018687
- Suspected Ring of SD and SS D049223
- Suspected War Criminal MSN48824
- Suspects Repatriated to Germany D009829
- Sweden, German Nationals, Intelligence Activity D211072
- Swiss-German Diplomatic Personnel D008366
- Syrian Political XE135209
- TIB Agent Operations in Austria XA018222
- Torture of Italian Hostages D200565
- Training GAF Agents XE153241
- TS Banderist Activity XE190425
- TS Banderists Activity XE190425 (1 of 2)
- TS CIC Top Secret Peiodic Reports D169130
- TS German Foreign Office Political Intelligence D209379
- TS Operation BIG BEN D182910
- TS Organization of Banderist Movement D184850
- Turkestan, Anti-Soviet Activities D234510
- Turkestan, Anti-Soviet Activities D234510 (variant)
- U.S. War Crimes Commission D010574 (1 of 2)
- U.S. War Crimes Commission D010574 (2 of 2)
- Ukranian Pro Nazis D137585
- Ukranian Pro Nazis XE137585
- Ukranian SS Division GALICIA XE180224
- United Galician Jews XE190488
- Unternehmen STERBEN XE219239
- Unternehmen SUD D023954
- Ustasha Activity in Land Salzburg MSN57438
- Ustasha War Criminals D216017
- Ustashi Movement in Italy D207639
- Ustashi and the Monastery of San Girolamo D206248
- Ustaski in Land Salzbug XA030166
- V2 and A4 Instruments and Documents D185877
- Vaad Hatzala D197048
- Vatican Foreign Policy MSN49326
- Vatican Intelligence Service XE239798
- Vatican Political Aims in Austria MSN57463
- Vatican Political Aims in Austria XA030229
- Vatican, Politics and Exploitation of Military Intelligence D152222
- Vatican, Politics and Exploitation of Military Intelligence XE152222
- Vatican, Politics and Exploitation of Military Intelligence XE152222 (variant)
- Volksturm and Werewolf XE209400
- Wanted Personality List of Hungarians D141141
- Wanted Personality List of Hungarians XE141141
- Wanted for War Crimes Interrogations D200594
- War Atrocities at Vilna D160534
- War Atrocities of Vilna XE160534
- War Crimes D265127
- War Crimes and War Criminals, CIC Report XE240355
- War Crimes at Borkum D152792
- War Crimes at Borkum XE152792
- War Crimes Committed at Markt Pognan XE035595
- War Crimes File D008573 (69pp.)
- War Crimes File D008573 (112pp.)
- War Crimes in Industrial and Financial Fields D152796
- War Crimes Internee Transfers XE153998
- War Crimes Internee Rosters XE219058
- War Crimes Nurnberg D232281
- War Department Intelligence Reports D153246
- War Department Intelligence Reports D153246 (variant)
- Weissenberger Kommando D001410
- ZEPPELIN Unternehmen D003374
- ZIGZAG D009040
Intelligence and Investigative Dossiers Impersonal Files
This series consists of reports, memorandums, interrogations, interviews, statements, affidavits, lists, and other records collected during the course of investigations of specific organizations, as well as general topics of intelligence and counterintelligence interest. Most of the files relate to World War II and the Cold War. The series includes files relating to German government and military organizations, Nazi party membership, the exploitation of German scientists, Axis-power war crimes, the "Association of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime," the Army’s involvement with German Spymaster General Reinhard Gehlen and the Gehlen Organization, and the Free German Federation of Trade Unions. Other major topics include: espionage; indoctrination programs; post-war Eastern European Communist intelligence and security organizations; Soviet-Bloc military, intelligence, and espionage activities, including reports on the intelligence services of Cuba, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, North Vietnam, and Poland; alleged Communist infiltration of the United States; the Japanese Communist Party; and political activities, espionage, and acts of sabotage in South Vietnam; and other matters. Covers 1939-1980.
- 02/004145 - Yugoslav Crisis January-July 1948 Vol. 1
- 02/006430 - Immigration of Austrian Scientists to Soviet Zone Aug 47 - March 1951, Vol I
- 02006944 - Numerical Strength of the Communist Party in Western Europe, December 1952, 2 pp.
- 02024410 - Illegal SA-Brigade (the JAEGER Report), Relates to Nazi Activities in Austria, 1933-1938
- 468th CIC Detachment - Iceland Travel of Personalities of Counterintelligence Interest
- 802/000530 -Mauthausen Concentration Camp Oct 51 - Dec 51 Vol. I
- 971st CIC Weekly Information Bulletins [Korea, 1947]
- 971st Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment - The Cominform and the Korean Communist Party 1948
- 207656 - Moscatelli Formations Italy February 1945, Vol 1
- 04255860 - Soviet Delegates & Press, Nurnberg Trials, Vol. 1 of 3
- 04255860 - Soviet Delegates & Press, Nurnberg Trials, Vol. 2 of 3
- 31D3146 - French Force of the Interior Vols. 1-9 [microfilm]
- 48000008 - 2d CIC Det, 2d Inf Div, Enemy Propaganda Leaflet [North Korea, 1951]
- 66333886 - List of Organizations Inimical to the United States:DP Act 48
- 66564279 - ICCB Meetings (Intelligence Coordinating Comm Board) 1952-1959, vols. 1-2
- 66564279 - ICCB Meetings (Intelligence Coordinating Comm Board) 1952-1959, vol. 3
- Alleged Espionage Activities, Evans Signal Laboratories, Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey
- CBI II July 1945 - September 1948
- CI Area Study No. 3, Leyte Province, Philippines, USAFFE-APO 501, February 4, 1945
- CI Area Study No #9, Southeastern Luzon, Philippines, February 1945
- CI Area Study no. #12, Northern Luzon, Philippines, February 14, 1945
- CI Consolidated Interrogation Report No 16. June 1946
- CI Special Rpt #7 on Davao Province, Philippines, April 20, 1945, USAFFE
- CIC Activity Reports - 415th CIC Detachment, China, April 45-September 1946
- CIC Activities and Other Reports - Det G, Shanghai Port Facility, China Sep 46-Feb 49
- CIC in CBI Theater: Misc Rpts. 22 June 44 - 26 June 45
- CIC in North Africa, Sicily, Italy: correspondence and miscellaneous reports: September-October 1943
- CIC Correspondence, Panama Canal Department, 20 Mar 41
- Counter Intelligence Area Study No. 4 Samar Province
- Counter Intelligence Area Study No.10 Manila and Environs [1 folder]
- Counter Intelligence Area Study No.10 Manila and Environs [2 folders]
- Counter-Intelligence Special Report #3 on Zamboanga, Miasmas, Occidentanal and Sulu, Philippines - USAFFE, February 1945
- Displaced Person Camps December 1945 - January 1949
- EE563686 - Federation Internationale Resistance
- Extradition of Former German Officers to Poland November 1947-December 1948
- FE596664 - German Communist Party Trial Vol. I
- FE596664 - German Communist Party Trial Vol. II
- FE597287 - KPD, O & OB, Land Bavaria Kreis Nuernberg, Report, 1961
- Files of 971st CIC [Korea]
- HE236605 - SS Installations & Establishments, 4 folders, 1945
- Highways and Bridges-USSR Jun 47 - Dec. 1949, Vols. 1-4
- History of CIC in Middle East WW II, May 1945, ca. 50 pp.
- Illegal Emigration to Spain June 1946 - November 1948
- Lansisky,- Courier of Soviet Embassy, 1941-1945
- Monthly Reports April & May 1947, 1135th CIC Detachment, Philippines-Ryukyus Command
- Monthly Rpt #3/Mar 47 - 1135th CIC Detachment, Philippines-Ryukyus Command
- Monthly Rpt #6/June 47 - 1135th CIC Detachment, Philippines-Ryukyus Command
- Monthly Rpt #11/Nov 46 - 1135th CIC Detachment, Philippines-Ryukyus Command
- Part Played by the French Forces of the Interior During the Occupation of France, Before & After D-Day 21 May 1946
- Pigeon File CI-R 00684/2 thru 00684/11 Feb 51 - Feb 52, Korea
- Recruitment of Double Agents, 1947
- Report of ASF Installations in North African Operations 25 March 1944
- Semi-Monthly Activities Rpt/1-15 May 47 - 1135th CIC Detachment, Philippines-Ryukyus Command
- SHAEF G-2 Weekly Intelligence Reports: #43-44, January 14-January 21, 1945
- SHAEF G-2 Weekly Intelligence Reports: #45-48, January 28-February 14, 1945
- SHAEF G-2 Weekly Intelligence Reports: #50-52 March 4, 1945-March 18, 1945
- SHAEF G-2 Weekly Intelligence Reports: #53-56 March 25-April 15, 1945
- SHAEF G-2 Weekly Intelligence Reports: #59 May 6, 1945
- Summary of Information - Railway Security - Persian Gulf Service Command, November 1943, 3 pp.
- Trail of Gestapo Chief Ends in China
- XE000102 - Seghers, Marcel Henri 16A033
- XE001028 - Front Kommando 130
- XE001063 - German Sabotage Schools
- XE001893 - German General Staff Vol. 1
- XE001893 - German General Staff Vols. 2-3
- XE001893 - German General Staff Vol. 4
- XE002186 - Speer Ministry Vols. 1 & 2
- XE002243 - Sabotage in France, History of
- XE002258 - Fandango Operation [Abwehrstelle plans for arrests and confiscations of property following the invasion of France]
- XE002369 - FAK 313 [German Counter Intelligence Unit]
- XE002666 - RSHA [Reich Central Security Office] AMT VI Vol. 2
- XE002303 - RSHA [Reich Central Security Office] AMT VI-E
- XE002367 - CLAW OPERATION GRANY [Relates to arrest and internment of Nazis in Scandinavia], 1945
- ZA002371 - Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia Avianca Nov 1939 Vol I
- XE002376 - Austrian Border Control & Germany
- XE002376 - Austrian Border Control & Germany, 1945-1953
- XE002503 - Black Star
- XE002666 - RSHA [Reich Central Security Office] AMT VI, Vol. I
- XE002692 - Saarbruecken Stapostelle [SS unit] July 1945 Vol 1
- XE002693 - FAT 317 July 1945 Vol. 1
- XE002783 - RSHA [Reich Central Security Office] AMT IV (attached book)
- XE002783 - RSHA [Reich Central Security Office] AMT IV September 1945 Vol. 1
- ZA003165 - Hamburg American North German Lloyd Line Nov 42-Dec 43 Vol I
- XE003251 - Nord Pool (Pole) Organization
- XE003258 - Oslo, Norway Sonder Kommando [SS Special Detachment]
- XE003374 - Operation ZEPPELIN [RSHA anti-Russian operation]
- XE003411 - Darmstadt Gestapo July-November 1945 v 1
- XE003492 - Trier [Saar region] Gestapo
- XE003500 - Swiss Traitors August 45-March 1946 v 1
- XE003641 - German Intelligence Service, 3 folders
- XE003688 - Consolidated Report on Interrogation Akershus Prison, Oslo, Norway, September 9, 1945
- XE003725 - Germans Repatriated From Western Hemisphere Aug 45-Jan 55 Vol. I Army
- XE003920 - German Intelligence Service in Spain
- XE003923 - German Police System in Occupied Czechoslovakia
- XE004005 - Ast Belgium [Intelligence Organization], 1945
- XE004075 - Bremen Gestapo, 3 folders
- XE004970 - Rafelsberger Plans 1945-Mar 46 v.1
- XE004986 - Forschungsamt Air Ministry
- XE007340 - OKW [High Command of the Armed Forces] Aussenstelle Stahndorf Personalities February 1946-June 1947 Vol I
- XE007527 - Sonderkommando Dora Oct 45-Dec 46 Vol 1
- XE008157 - S.S. Personalities 1940(?) August 1946
- XE008573 - War Crimes File, 1945-1947
- XE009840 - Dachau Concentration Camp, 1945-1947
- XE010158 - KDM Hamburg [German Intelligence Service]
- XE013764 - RSHA [Reich Central Security Office] AMT III
- XE013988 - Schmalschlaeger, Heinrich (Heinz) (Leitstelle III Ost)
- XE018517 - Party Members, Grevenash, December 1942
- XE019082 - RSHA [Reich Central Security Office] in Hungary
- XE019212 - Krefeld, Gestapo
- XE019236 - German Ministry of Economy [Interrogation Report, May 1, 1945]
- XE019270 - Counter Subversive System, 1946
- XE019357 - SD [Sicherheitsdienst, Security Service] in Rennes
- XE019389 - Documents Pool Library Lists Norway
- XE019400 - German Civil Power in Norway
- XE019442 - RSHA [Reich Central Security Office] AMT VI, Gruppe VI G
- XE019453 - Streifendienst der Hitler Jugend [Patrol Service of the Hitler Youth organization]
- XE019457 - NSDAP [Nazi Party] Organization & Charts
- XE019458 - Anti-Nazi Groups in Germany & Austria
- XE019461 - National Sozialstischer Reichskriegerbund
- XE019462 - Volksbund Fuer Das Deutschtum Im Ausland (VDA)
- XE019479 - Verstaerkter Grenzaufsichtsdienst (VGAD) [Reinforced Frontier Patrol Service], September 1944
- XE019489 - Military Government Gazette - British Zone
- XE019501 - Teletype Network of NSDAP & Wehrmacht
- XE019527 - NSDAP Ortsgruppe [Local Group, responsible for a town section]
- XE019537 - Political Aspects of the Volkstrum [People's Army]
- XE019542 - Deutscher Werkschutz [German Factory Security Police]
- XE019557 - Nord Pool (Pole) Organization
- XE019559 - Escape From Alt Burgund
- XE019569 - Kriminalpolizei [Criminal Police, KRIPO] Filing System
- XE019572 - Church Property in Nazi Germany
- XE013764 - RSHA [Reich Central Security Office] AMT III
- XE019601 - Administrative Police, Unified Filing System of
- XE019620 - Daf Deutsche Arbeitsfront [German Labor Front]
- XE019645 - FAT 306
- XE019650 - Geheime Feldpolizei (GFP) (Secret Field Police) Vol. I
- XE019650 - Geheime Feldpolizei (GFP) (Secret Field Police) Vol. II
- XE020489 - Adolf Hitler Schools
- XE020490 - Nazi Influence in German Civil Service
- XE020493 - Gestapo Card Index 'A' [Explanation of]
- XE020505 - Linz [Austria] Dienstelle Gestapo
- XE020599 - SD [Sicherheitsdienst, Security Service] & Schutzdienst Organization
- XE020756 - FAT 185
- XE020996 - German Navy Fighter Swimmers/Brey, Kurt (Lt.)
- XE020620 - FAK 104
- XE020651 - FAK 202
- XE020652 - FAK 102
- XE020666 - FAT 357
- XE020667 - FAT 249 [Training unit for Abwehr II personnel in France]
- XE020741 - Organization Grille [Amt IV]
- XE020820 - SS in the ORPO [Regular Uniformed Police]
- XE020846 - Displaced Persons Statistics Vol. I [1 folder]
- XE020846 - Displaced Persons Statistics Vol. I [2 folders]
- XE020846 - Displaced Persons Statistics Vol. II
- XE022360 - SHAEF G-2 Counter Intelligence War Room History
- XE022912 - Luxembourg Gestapo January 1943-April 1946 Vol. 1
- XE022695 - Aachen Nazi Personalities March 45 - July 1945 Vol. 1
- XE022982 - German Espionage Dec 44-Jan 46 v 1
- XE023243 - Reports From Capture Personnel. Oct.1945 - June 1952 Vol. 1
- XE023286 - German Police Blacklist [a MI4 1945 watch list for German police, SS, etc.], 24 pp.
- XE023286 - German Police Blacklist 1945 - February 1946 Vol. 1
- XE023287 - Denmark October 1945 Vol. 1
- XE026274 - Nord Pool (Pole) Organization
- XE029545 - Luxembourg, NDAP Membership Records For
- XE029963 - Netherlands, NSDAP Membership Records For Vols. I-II
- XE030243 - Norway, NSDAP Membership Records For
- XE030277 - Portugal, NSDAP Membership Records For
- XE030281 - Rhodesia, NSDAP Membership Records For
- XE030316 - Sierra Leone & Gambia, NSDAP Membership Records For
- XE030317 - Southwest Africa, NSDAP Membership Records
- XE030626 - Reich Ministries, Evacuation of
- XE031002 - FAK 60, May 1945, Vol. 1
- XE031583 - German Archives [Reports on], 1945
- XE032818 - Order of Battle German Army (Vol. 1 of 2 vols.)
- XE032818 - Order of Battle German Army, Vol II
- XE031994 - Siegrune & Other Secret Orders for Gestapo [Relating to activities after the Allied occupation of Germany]
- XE040257 - Milithir AMT. D. Letters [RSHA]
- XE041361 - German Aid to Former British PW's
- XE048139 - Operation ATTILA [France 1940]
- XE049326 - Flossenberg Concentration Camp Records, 1945
- XE049458 - Conditions in Soviet Zone 1947 Vols. I-II
- XE049461 - Abwehr [Counterintelligence] in Norway
- XE049474 - German General Watch List, Feb. 1946 - Feb. 1949 Vol. 1
- XE049888 - Werewolf Activities Feb 45- Mar 47 Vol 1
- XE053359 - Eorga [Edelweiss] Organization [Nazi Underground movement] May 1946-July 1949 Vol. 1
- XE055284 - Operation RADITOR [SS organization in Hamburg] August-September 1946 Vol. 1
- XE065164 - White, Grey & Black Lists, Germany, 1946-1950
- XE065587 - Project Paperclip, 6 folders, 1946-1949
- XE070687 - German Sabotage Service Equipment & Methods Vol. I
- XE070687 - German Sabotage Service Equipment & Methods Vols. II-VII
- XE070687 - German Sabotage Service Equipment & Methods Vol. VIII
- XE075145 - CINFO Reports, Vols. I & II [German Medical Experiements]
- XE081544 - SOWA (Sud Ost Wachpost) Vol I, 1946
- XE085523 - Rheinschewiderstand, B.
- XE111870 - E.R. Region I O.P.
- XE111871 - E.P. Valentine Region II, CIC
- XE111872 - E.P. Valentine Region IV
- XE111873 - E.P. Valentine Region IV
- XE111875 - E.P. Valentine Region VI
- XE111876 - E.P. Valentine Region IX
- XE125065 - Detention of Soviet Nationals Apr 45 - Jan 47 Vol. 1
- XE125551 - Subversive Organization of AMT VI F RSHA [Reich Central Security Office]
- XE131926 - Alleged Soviet Sponsored Organizations to Recruit Former SS Personnel August 1945 - March 1948, Vol. 1
- XE135007 - RueckWanderer Zentrale Sept. 1946 - Dec. 1947, Vol. 1
- XE135014 - German Intelligence in Portugal
- XE135031 - German Radar and Infra Red Equipment
- XE135034 - Committee for Stateless Russian Emigrees
- XE135062 - German Military Registration Number
- XE135172 - Biographies of Potential War Criminals, June 7, 1945, 28 pp. Contains Austrians, Belgians, French, Germans, Hungarians, Dutch, Norwegians, and Rumanians.
- XE135173 - French Communist Party
- XE137571 - French Intelligence Service, OSS, 1945
- XE152136 - Dismantling of Industry in Russian Zone Apr 46-Feb 50 Vol 1
- XE152488 - Stuttgarter Zeitung (Paper), 1946-1956
- XE152738 - CIC NKVD Liaison April 1946-March 1947 v.1
- XE169191 - Berlin Document Center
- XE169191 - Berlin Document Center Vol. I, 1945-1955
- XE169886 - Russ Deportation of German Scientists & Tech
- XE180023 - Odessa Movement, Coburg Movement Oct 46-Sep 47 Vol 1
- XE182800 - Soviet Apprehension of German Nationals US Zone
- XE182853 - Azonder, Anti Communist Liberation Movement of the Peoples of Russia 10 July 1948 thru 10 Aug 1953 Vol. II
- XE182903 - Documents, Pertaining to Labor Draft in Soviet Zone
- XE184761 - Sovzone Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB) and Its Activity in the Federal Republic
- XE190260 - Khimki Soviet, Espionage School
- XE194474 - Borochow, Youth Group
- XE195966 - Black Reichswehr [German Organization], 1947
- XE198119 - Hitler, Poisoning Rumors, 1947
- XE202574 - Operation PAJAMAS, 1947-1948
- XE209146 - Haganah Jewish Organization May 47 - Oct 48 Vols. 1-2
- XE219286 - Search of Known Caves in US Zones, 1955-1956
- XE227187 - Schlesier Verein (Society of Silesians), 1958
- XE231100 - Women around Hitler, 9 pp. report
- XE232591 - Operation Control of CIC Region VIII, Berlin, 1949
- XE240184 - SS Personnel Property of Berlin, Germany, 1946-1947
- XE240694 - Disposition of Scientists Evacuated From Soviet Controlled Germany Dec 46-Sep 51 v 1
- XE247566 - Graves Registration Det.
- XE249387 - Czech Communist Party
- XE257586 - Liba Underground Organization
- XE257685 - DP Camp Michelsdorf (White Russian), 1947
- XE257788 - Isar Druck, KPD Publishing House, Munich
- XE259185 - Deutsche Juegendschaft (German Youth Organization), 1949-1955
- XE259334 - Buried SS Arms and Ammunition, Leisenwald, 1949
- XE277585 - Polish Consulate in Baden Baden
- XE277585 - Polish Consulate in Baden Baden, 1950-1951
- XE278586 - National Bulgarien
- XE324388 - State Committee for Radio (Stattliches Rundfunkkomitee)
- XF016158 - Operation BASLE
- YA508352 - Allied Council Japan March 1946 - Dec 1947 Vols. 1-2
- YA508352 - Allied Council Japan March 1946 - Dec 1947 Vol. 3
- Z17E009 - French Weekly Intelligence Reports, 1945
- ZA000565 - Sino-Korean Peoples League Mar 41 - Apr 44 Vol. I
- ZA000993 - Sociedad Germania Jul 43-Mar 44 Vol. 1
- ZA001355 - National Bronze and Aluminum Foundry Co August 1942-October 1943 Vols 1-2
- ZA002551 - Free French Movement January 1942-December 1943 Vol I
- ZA002571 - German Union Guilds November 1940 - March 1941 Vol. 1
- ZA002760 - Senda and Company January 1944 - June 1945 Vol. 1
- ZA002849 - Azione Italiana Garibaldi July 1943 Vol. 1
- ZA002971 - British Overseas Airways Corporation Nov 44-Feb 45 Vol I
- ZA003865 - Ivigtut Kryolith Mine May 1942-April 1943
- ZA004467 - Czechoslovak Welfare Committee Sep 49 - Mar 50
- ZA006950 - Fabrica Militar Arma Portatiles Aug 1943 Vol 1
- ZA007268 - Pitt Machine Products Inc (1948-1951) Vol. 1
- ZA007784 - Schweuzeruscge Montaschrift Fur Offiziere Aller Waffen Jun 42 Vol I [Occupation of Baltic Islands]
- ZA011771 - Free Italy Vol. 1
- ZA011849 - German Society Paraguay August 1943 Vol.1
- ZA012560 - Nippon Yusen Kaisha November 1941 - March 44 Vol. 1
- ZA012582 - Ordensburgen [Schools, Germany] Vol. 1, 1943
- ZA012439 - Mladozossi Society February 1942-February 1945 Vol. 1
- ZA015569 - Financial Organizations of the Viet Cong May 64-Sep 66 Vol I
- ZA015770 - Chinese Military Mission in Berlin Aug 1949 Vol I
- ZA015577 - Subversive Activities of the Viet Cong Jan 64-Mar 67 Vols 1-3
- ZA015590 - Viet Cong Saigon [Vietnam] Giadinh Special Zone Committee May 1964-August 1966, Vols. 1-
- ZA017695 - Japan Joint Intelligence Processing Board Final Report, October 1953, Vols. 1-2
- ZA017970 - Soviet-Communist Penetration in Latin America Sept 45 Vol. 1
- ZA018056 - Morale of the United States Army (1941) Vol. 1
- ZA018093 - Oriental Communist PW Study Sep 53 - Dec 53 Vols 1-2
- ZA019293 - Soviet Guided Missiles, Rocket and V-Weapons Research, Development and Production May 46 - Dec 51, add'mat Oct 1956 Vols. 1-3
- ZA019293 - Soviet Guided Missiles, Rocket and V-Weapons Research, Development and Production May 46 - Dec 51, add'mat Oct 1956 Vol. 3
- ZA019571 - Soviet and Satellite Document Project October 1948-February 1950, Vol. I
- ZA019957 - Prisoners of War Returning USSR to Berlin Sep 45-Feb 50 Vols 1-2
- ZA019957 - Prisoners of War Returning USSR to Berlin Sep 45-Feb 50 Vols 2-3
- ZA019977 - Korean War Atrocities March-December 1953
- ZA020062 - Soviet Held POWS October-December 1947 Vol 1
- ZF020096 - National Caucus of Labor Committees Aug 73-Nov 76 Vol 1
- ZA020241 - East German Army March 1951 - December 1959 Vols. 1-2
- ZA020241 - East German Army March 1951 - December 1959 Vols. 3-5
- ZA020241 - East German Army March 1951 - December 1959 Vol. 5
- ZA020241 - East German Army March 1951 - December 1959 Vols. 5-6
- ZA020241 - East German Army March 1951 - December 1959 Vols. 6-8
- ZA020253 - Red Orchestra [Rote Kapelle] Vols. 1-3
- ZA020253 - Red Orchestra [Rote Kapelle] Vols. 4-6
- ZA020253 - Red Orchestra [Rote Kapelle] Vol. 6
- ZA021041 - Yugoslavia Misc. Vol. 1
- ZA021041 - Yugoslavia Misc. Vols. 2-3
- ZA021038 - Malmedy Massacre February 43-July 52 Vols. 1-4
- ZA021083 - War Criminals and Security Suspects [CROWCASS] June 1948 Vols 1-2, ca. 350 pp.
- ZA021176 - War Crimes Against American Personnel Feb 44-Aug 45 Vol I
- ZA022138 - German Intelligence Activities in the Near East and Related Areas (ca. 1945) Vol. 1, 336 pp.
- ZB00051 - Winiza Massacres Ukraine September 1952 Vol 1
- ZB500044 - Operation Oberjoch Vol I [German rocket scientists], 1947
- ZB500739 - History Sino-Japanese War January 1967 Vols. 1-2
- ZB500851 - Japanese Activities - Manila, Philippines, April 1945 Vol. 1
- ZB503152 - List of Soviet Agents Jun 1944-1948
- ZC500653 - French Political Situation June 1958-Dec. 1964 Vols. 1-3
- ZC500653 - French Political Situation June 1958-Dec. 1964 Vol. 3
- ZC500653 - French Political Situation June 1958-Dec. 1964 Vol. 4
- ZC500670 - Soviet Army Deserters Apr 47 - Nov 58 Vols. 1-2
- ZC500871 - Counterintelligence Corps Historical Information Mar 45-Jun 1949 v 1
- ZE001384 - German Democratic Republic Soviet Zone December 1952- December 1956, Vol. 1
- ZE001384 - German Democratic Republic Soviet Zone December 1952- December 1956, Vol. 2
- ZE007248 - Sturmgruppe Nordwest Aug 46 - Jan 47 Vol. 1
- ZE007460 - Translators and Interpreters Company of the Waffen SS June-August 1945 Vol I
- ZE152750 - Natzweiler Concentration Camp, SS Personnel
- ZE152328 - Soviet Recruitments of German Scientists Jan 46-Mar 52 Vol I
- ZE023244 - San Sabia Trieste Crematorium February 1946 Vol. 1
- ZF000004 - Detention of American Personnel by Foreign Agency, Vols. 1-2
- ZF000004 - Detention of American Personnel by Foreign Agency, Vols. 2-4
- ZF000004 - Detention of American Personnel by Foreign Agency, Vols. 5-7
- ZF001010 - Fort Rucker Alabama Sabotage
- ZF001454 - Aberdeen Proving Ground Maryland Subversion
- ZF001572 - Army Finance Center, St. Louis MO Jul 48 - Jan 52 Vols. 1-3
- ZF001572 - Army Finance Center, St. Louis MO Jul 48 - Jan 52 Vols. 4-6
- ZF001948W - Ft Belvoir Sabotage
- ZF001953W - Ft Eustis, VA Sabotage
- ZF003005 - France US Forces Sabotage, 1952-1961
- ZF003036 - Austria US Forces Sabotage, 1951-1954
- ZF003038 - Austria US Forces Espionage (2 folders)
- ZF003042 - France US Forces Communist Penetration of Installations (vol 1)
- ZF003042 - France US Forces Communist Penetration of Installations (vols. 2-4)
- ZF004021 - South Vietnam US Forces Sabotage (vol. 1)
- ZF004021 - South Vietnam US Forces Sabotage (vols. 2-3)
- ZF004023 - South Vietnam US Forces Espionage
- ZF004028 - Taiwan US Forces Espionage
- ZF004040 - Philippines, US Armed Forces,miscellaneous
- ZF010000 - Communist Party Soviet Union
- ZF010009 - East Germany Ministry of Interior
- ZF010020 - Chinese Communists Activities in Japan (3 Vols.)
- ZF010029 - Communist Infiltration of US Armed Forces 1920-1950 Vols 1-3 3 Apr 43-Jun 51
- ZF010034 - Communist Party Japan (vol. 1)
- ZF010034 - Communist Party Japan (vols. 2-4)
- ZF010034 - Communist Party Japan (vols. 5-8)
- ZF010034 - Communist Party Japan (vols. 9-10)
- ZF010037 - Operation PINWHEEEL [Germany],1963-1965
- ZF010043 - League of Socialist German Students
- ZF010051 - Free German Federation of Trade-Unions Vols. 1-4
- ZF010051 - Free German Federation of Trade-Unions Vols. 5-8
- ZF010051 - Free German Federation of Trade-Unions Vols. 9-12
- ZF010051 - Free German Federation of Trade-Unions Vols. 13-15
- ZF010051 - Free German Federation of Trade-Unions Vols. 16-19
- ZF010051 - Free German Federation of Trade-Unions Vols. 20-23
- ZF010051 - Free German Federation of Trade-Unions Vols. 24-26
- ZF010055 - East Germany Broadcasting Network (4 vols)
- ZF010073 - Czechoslovakia Railway System, 1950-1956
- ZF010098 - Syria Political Situation
- ZF010105 - League of Former German Paratroopers, 1951-1956
- ZF010108 - All German Peoples Party, vols. 1-5
- ZF010108 - All German Peoples Party, vols. 6-10
- ZF010110 - Movement for All German Understanding, 1958-1960
- ZF010111 - Soviet Repatriation Mission Frankfurt
- ZF010115 - Prchala Movement Czechoslovakia (2 vols), 1950
- ZF010122 - Soviet Prisons (vol 1)
- ZF010122 - Soviet Prisons (vol 2)
- ZF010125 - Council of Free Czechoslovakia
- ZF010129 - West Germany Defector - Inducement
- ZF010131 - Soviet Activities in Cuba
- ZF010135 - Soviet Activities in Italy
- ZF010165W - North Korea Activities in Japan, vol. 1
- ZF010183 - USTASHI, 1947-1963
- ZF010193 - Cuba Political Activities
- ZF010200 - Futura 2000
- ZF010201 - Algerian Terrorist Activities in France (Vols. 1-2)
- ZF010210 - Hao/Tagami Organization [Communists in Japan], 1959-1962
- ZF010211 - Communist Party Austria (Vols. 1-4)
- ZF010220 - Communist Party France (vol. 1)
- ZF010220 - Communist Party France (vols. 2-4)
- ZF010225 - Soviet Activities in France (2 vols)
- ZF010246 - Federal Ministry of Defense FRG
- ZF010251 - Viet Cong [Vietnam]
- ZF010255 - South Vietnam Political Activities
- ZF010281 - Chinese Activities in Vietnam (3 folders)
- ZF010288 - Japan Radio News Agency
- ZF010319 - Internationale Warenkontrolle
- ZF010322 - Soviet Army Counterintelligence Directorate (vols. 1-2)
- ZF010322 - Soviet Army Counterintelligence Directorate (3 vols)
- ZF010337 - League of Democratic Communes
- ZF010537 - Mannheim FRG Subversion
- ZF010370 - Hostile Intelligence Activities USARPAC (2 vols)
- ZF010371 - East Germany Activities in France
- ZF010389 - Project PAPERCLIP Vol. 1
- ZF010389 - Project PAPERCLIP Vols. 2-4
- ZF010389 - Project PAPERCLIP Vols. 5-7
- ZF010389 - Project PAPERCLIP Vols. 8-10
- ZF010389 - Project PAPERCLIP Vols. 11-13
- ZF010389 - Project PAPERCLIP Vols. 14-16
- ZF010389 - Project PAPERCLIP Vol. 17
- ZF010397 - Vienna Austria Espionage Ring, 1951
- ZF010400 - Project Iron I [East European immigration], 1955-1957
- ZF010403 - Yugoslavia Activities in Austria
- ZF010417 - Czechoslovakia Activities in Italy, 1952
- ZF010418 - Nestroj and Company Austria, 1955
- ZF010421 - Operation OUCH [re Russian Intelligence in Austria] Vols. 1-2 1954-1955
- ZF010421 - Operation OUCH [re Russian Intelligence in Austria] Vol. 3-4 1954-1955
- ZF010426 - Project KEEN (Vols. 1-2) [Austria], 1954 [contains microfiche]
- ZF010426 - Project KEEN (Vol.3) [Austria], 1954
- ZF010427 - Project BOOMERANG [Austria], 1953-1954
- ZF010433 - Operation BASKET [Russians operating in US Zone], 1946
- ZF010439 - Operation POLECAT (vols. 1-2), 1946-1947
- ZF010439 - Operation POLECAT (vols. 3-4), 1946-1947
- ZF010444 - American Embassy Prague, Czechoslovakia
- ZF010464 - Czechoslovakia Activities in Austria, Vol. 1
- ZF010464 - Czechoslovakia Activities in Austria, Vols. 2-5
- ZF010466 - Association of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime Vols. 01-05
- ZF010466 - Association of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime Vols. 06-10
- ZF010466 - Association of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime Vols. 11-15
- ZF010466 - Association of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime Vols. 16-20
- ZF010466 - Association of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime Vols. 21-25
- ZF010466 - Association of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime Vols. 26-30
- ZF010466 - Association of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime Vols. 31-32
- ZF010476 - Project SWALLOW (4 vols)
- ZF010482 - Korean War CI Activities (2 vols)
- ZF010483 - North Korean Indoctrination - ROK PW (vols 1-2)
- ZF010483 - North Korean Indoctrination - ROK PW (vol 3)
- ZF010484 - Korean Labor Party, Vols 1-2
- ZF010484 - Korean Labor Party, Vols 3-6
- ZF010484 - Korean Labor Party, Vol 7
- ZF010489 - Communist Party in Austria- Vienna (vol. 1)
- ZF010489 - Communist Party in Austria- Vienna (vol. 2-3)
- ZF010490 - Communist Party in Austria - Lower Austria
- ZF010491 - Communist Party Austria - Salzburg (Folders 1-2)
- ZF010491 - Communist Party Austria - Salzburg (Folders 3-5)
- ZF010491 - Communist Party Austria - Salzburg (Folders 6-7)
- ZF010492 - Soviet Arrests in Austria
- ZF010493 - Communist Party Austria - Upper Austria (vol. 1)
- ZF010493 - Communist Party Austria - Upper Austria (vols. 2-4)
- ZF010493 - Communist Party Austria - Upper Austria (vols. 5-7)
- ZF010493 - Communist Party Austria - Upper Austria (vols. 8-10)
- ZF010493 - Communist Party Austria - Upper Austria (vols. 11-12)
- ZF010494 - Communist Party Austria-Styria
- ZF010503 - Communist Party Austria - Tyrol, 1948-1955
- ZF010508 - Czechoslovakia Intel Courier System - FRG
- ZF010513 - Czechoslovakia Intelligence Radio Free Europe Reports, vols. 1-3
- ZF010513 - Czechoslovakia Intelligence Radio Free Europe Reports, vol. 4
- ZF010514 - Black Brigade Austria
- ZF010538W - Bad Berneck FRG SAEDA
- ZF010557W - Grosssachsenheim Federal Republic Germany SAEDA
- ZF010649 - Assassination Attempt - Foreign Dignitary [Munich, 1950]
- ZF010665W - Tuy Hoa RVN Sabotage, vol. 1
- ZF010666 - Song Be RVN Sabotage
- ZF010672 - Dredge Jamaica Bay RVN Sabotage
- ZF010695 - Project STITCH [Japanese repatriation from Russia] Vols. 1-2
- ZF010695 - Project STITCH [Japanese repatriation from Russia] Vols. 3-4
- ZF010714 - Czechoslovakia Intel - Recruitment by Mail (Vols. 2-3)
- ZF010749 - East Germany Intelligence Services, 1947
- ZF010763 - Hungary Intelligence Services Arrests, 1957-1960
- ZF010807W - Operation Rusty, Vols. 1-2 [Closed]
- ZF010807W - Operation Rusty, Vols. 1-2 [Reference Copy]
- ZF010834 - West Germany US Forces Countersubversion Project
- ZF010866 - Soviet Chemical Warfare (5 vols)
- ZF011020 - Auswertestelle West Oberursel [German Interrogation Center, 1939-1945]
- ZF011108W - Japanese Police Act
- ZF011142 - Operation Arctic Vols. 1-2
- ZF011142 - Operation Arctic Vol. 3
- ZF011200 - Czechoslovakia Intelligence Services Arrests
- ZF011591 - Koenigsteiner Kreis (Koenigsteiner Circle), 1950-1952
- ZF011631 - Espionage Activity in Italy During World War II, 1944-1945
- ZF011636 - Subversive activities of USSR officers
- ZF011637 - Operation RUMMAGE [Jewish matters], 1947
- ZF011638 - Informants of Soviet Intelligence Service in East Germany
- ZF011655 - Latvian Legion, 1946-1950
- ZF011650 - Operation SUNRISE, Vol. 1
- ZF011650 - Operation SUNRISE, Vols. 1-4
- ZF011650 - Operation SUNRISE, Vol. 5
- ZF011652 - Operation SKYLARK [Germany] (vols 1-2), 1946-1948
- ZF011653 - Latvian Central Committee, 1949-1950
- ZF011654 - Nazi Party Membership Records - Latvia
- ZF011665 - Possible Nazi Underground, US Zone Austria, 1948
- ZF011666 - Operation BRANDY (neutralization of Nazi Brandenburg Division), 1946-1955
- ZF015103 - Counterintelligence Corps in N/S Korea, 1946
- ZF015104 - Germany (Russian Zone)
- ZF015105 - Leipheim Displaced Persons Camp
- ZF015106 - CIC Policy Directives, 1952-1956
- ZF015107 - USTASHA Project, 2 folders, 1945-1949
- ZF015108 - SED [Socialist Unity Party] Central Committee, 1960-1961
- ZF015109 - Counterintelligence Corps Detachment Reports, Vols 1-2, Europe, 1945
- ZF015110 - Vlassow Group, 4 folders, 1946-1950
- ZF015111 - Soviet Border Control
- ZF015112 - 430th CIC Detachment Austrian Operation Reports, 1952-1956
- ZF015113 - Operation KNUT Vols. 1-3, 1952
- ZF015114 - Operation SAND, 1946
- ZF015115 - Landsberg DP [Displaced Persons] Camp Riot
- ZF015116 - ODESSA Organization, 1946-1947
- ZF015117 - 971st CIC Detachment Progress Report, Korea, 1948
- ZF015118 - Latvian WAFFEN SS, 1946-1950
- ZF015119 - Communist Party France Organization
- ZF015120WJ - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 1 [Closed]
- ZF015120WJ - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 1 [Reference Copy]
- ZF015120WJF -Gehlen Organization, Vol. 2 [Closed]
- ZF015120WJF - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 2 [Reference Copy]
- ZF015120WJF - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 3 [Closed]
- ZF015120WJF - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 3 [Reference Copy]
- ZF015120WJF - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 4 [Closed]
- ZF015120WJF - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 4 [Reference Copy]
- ZF015120WJ - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 5 [Closed]
- ZF015120WJ - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 5 [Reference Copy]
- ZF015120WJF - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 6 [Closed]
- ZF015120WJF - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 6 [Reference Copy]
- ZF015120WJF - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 7 [Closed]
- ZF015120WJF - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 7 [Reference Copy]
- ZF015120WJ - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 8 [Closed]
- ZF015120WJ - Gehlen Organization, Vol. 8 [Reference Copy]
- ZF015121 - Czech Miscellaneous File
- ZF015122 - Hungarian Legion, 1952-1953
- ZF015123 - Danube Affair, 1945-1946
- ZF015124 - Project SNATCH - COUNTER SNATCH [Abduction of personalities of Intelligence interest], 1949-1955 Vols. 1-3
- ZF015124 - Project SNATCH - COUNTER SNATCH [Abduction of personalities of Intelligence interest], 1949-1955 Vol. 4
- ZF015125 - Panama Political and Subversive Activity Vols. 1-2
- ZF015125 - Panama Political and Subversive Activity Vols. 3-12
- ZF015126 - Panama Union and Civic Employees Vols. 1-5
- ZF015126 - Panama Union and Civic Employees Vols. 6-11
- ZF015126 - Panama Union and Civic Employees Vols. 12-14
- ZF015127 - Panama Union of University Students Vols. 1-2
- ZF015127 - Panama Union of University Students Vols. 3-7
- ZF015127 - Panama Union of University Students Vols. 8-9
- ZF015128 - Communist Party in Panama, vols. 1-6
- ZF015129 - Political Situation in Panama
- ZF015130 - Attack on Panama Canal
- ZF015131 - International Workers Order for Panama
- ZF015132 - 305th CIC Detachment in Italy, WWII, 1943-1945, ca. 200 pp.
- ZF015133 - CIC Activities N/S Korea, 1947
- ZF015134 - Ghadar Party [Hindustan] , 1942-1945
- ZF015135 - GSI GHQ [German] Criminals List, 1947
- ZF016100 - Russians Threaten to Stop Repatriations
- ZF016101 - Operation MIKE [China/Japan], 1947
- ZF016102 - Espionage Directives [Far East Command] Vols. 1-2, 1947
- ZF016103 - White Russians Suspected of Working for the Soviets
- ZF016104 - ORGAN 101 [Japanese repatriated from Russia], 1948
- ZF016106 - Nagoya Prison, 1946
- ZF016107 - Japanese Communist Party (JCP) Structure and Organization Vols. 1-2
- ZF016107 - Japanese Communist Party (JCP) Structure and Organization Vols. 3-4
- ZF016108 - Japan Communist Party Map of Military Bases and Key Factories-Japan
- ZF016109 - Japanese Communist Party (JCP) Espionage Net
- ZF016110 - Pre-Pearl Harbor Espionage
- ZF016113 - Reactions to Australian War Crimes Trials
- ZF016114 - Communist Party of US Installation--Japan (2 Vols)
- ZF016115 - Amerasia Spy Case
- ZF016116 - North Korean People's Army (2 Vols)
- ZF016117 - Russian Activities in Korea
- ZF016118 - Secret Warfare Operation of the Soviet Union
- ZF016119 - American Held in Forced Labor Camps in USSR
- ZF016120 - Indoctrinated Repatriates From USSR
- ZF016121 - Soviet Policy Regarding Prisoners of War
- ZF016122 - Soviet Undercover Activities
- ZF016123 - Soviet Clandestine Activities in Japan
- ZF016124 - Indoctrination of Repatriated Personnel
- ZF016125 - Atrocities Korea, 1950-1951
- ZF016127 - US Spares Top Japanese War Criminals, 1948
- ZF016128 - Intelligence on Russian Activity
- ZF016129 - Soviet Intelligence Methods in Russia and Japan
- ZF016130 - Russian Intelligence (Espionage) [Far East], 1947-1951
- ZF016131 - Suspected War Criminals [Pacific Theater] Vols. 1-3
- ZF016131 - Suspected War Criminals [Pacific Theater] Vols. 4-6
- ZF016132 - Gestapo Organization in China and Manchuria, 1945
- ZF016133 - Atrocities Against Foreign-Nationals (vols. 1-3)
- ZF016133 - Atrocities Against Foreign-Nationals (vols. 4-5)
- ZF016134 - Romanian Émigré Activities
- ZF016135 - Russian Intelligence Activities [Far East], 1946-1949
- ZF016137 - Japanese Agents of Soviet Intelligence
- ZF016138 - Soviet-Communist Inspired Espionage
- ZF016141 - Saionji-Harada Memoirs (3 Vols)
- ZF016142 - Report on German Nationals [in Asia], 1945
- ZF016146 - North Korean Espionage Ring Vols. 1-7
- ZF016146 - North Korean Espionage Ring Vol. 8-11
- ZF016146 - North Korean Espionage Ring Vols. 12-14
- ZF016147 - Czechoslovakia Activity
- ZF016148 - Japanese Intelligence Missions [Philippines]
- ZF016149 - Espionage Activities of Japanese Communist Party (JCP)
- ZF016150 - Japanese Communist Party (JCP) Directives & Activities Books [Microfilm Rolls 502-507]
- ZF016151 - Operation Selection Board [Joint US-British effort to arrest SS members] (2 Vols), 1947
- ZF016152 - Operation HARASS, Vols. 1-6
- ZF016152 - Operation HARASS, Vols. 6-7
- ZF016153 - Operation APPLE PIE (2 Vols.)
- ZF016154 - Operation LIFEBUOY
- ZF016155 - Operation SPARKLER, Vols. 1-4
- ZF016155 - Operation SPARKLER, Vols. 5-7
- ZF016156 - Operation DWINDLE, Vols. 1-2
- ZF016157 - ASHCAN
- ZF016160 - Operation LAMPSHADE, Vols. 1-2
- ZF016161 - Concentration Camp Cracow-Plaszuv
- ZF016164 - King Reports, Vols. 1-2
- ZF018015 - Yugoslav Intelligence and Security Services, vols. 1-2
- ZF400002W - Algeria Intelligence Services
- ZF400058W - Japan Intelligence Services
- ZF400083 - North Vietnam Intelligence Services
- ZF400087 - Panama Intelligence Services (2 Vols)
- ZF400093 - Poland Intelligence Services Vols. 1-4
- ZF400201 - Czechoslovakia Intelligence Services Facilities (3 Vols)
- ZF400202 - Czechoslovakia Intelligence Services Methods of Operation, Vols. 1-2
- ZF400203 - Czechoslovakia Intelligence Services Organization
- ZF400209 - East German Intelligence Services Organization
- ZF400213 - Hungary Intelligence Services Facilities Vols. 1-3
- ZF400213 - Hungary Intelligence Services Facilities Vol. 4
- ZF400217 - Hungary Intelligence Services Tradescraft
- ZF400227 - Poland Intelligence Services Organization
- ZF400244 - Cuba Intelligence Service EEI/Targets
- ZF400246W - Cuban Intelligence Services
- ZF400248 - Cuba Intelligence Services Personalities and Sources (4 Vols)
- ZF400249 - Cuba Intelligence Services Tradescraft
- ZF400038 - France Intelligence Services (2 folders)
- ZZ007429 - Von Ribbentrop Interrogation Report (also 3 reports on Albert Speer)
Intelligence and Investigative Dossiers Personal Files
This series consists of reports, affidavits, articles, biographies, memorandums, statements, applications, summaries, translations, interviews, questionnaires, testimonies, transcripts, photographs, certificates, and other records related to specific individuals, collected during the course of investigations.
Many of the materials relate to World War II-era personalities, including individuals connected with German wartime intelligence and security organizations; German and Japanese war criminals; senior political and military leaders; alleged collaborators and informants; allied or enemy agents; and others.
The series also includes records relating to postwar personalities, including alleged Soviet and Communist Bloc intelligence agents; foreign citizens viewed as subversive; refugees from Communist or former Axis countries; Axis scientists brought to the United States under Project PAPERCLIP; Japanese prisoners of war repatriated from the USSR under Project STITCH; as well as American citizens suspected of espionage or disloyalty, viewed as security risks, or otherwise of interest to Army intelligence.
Some individuals mentioned in the files are Otto Ohlendorf, who served in several senior positions in the Schutzstaffel (SS) during World War II, including as commander of a mobile killing unit (Einsatzgruppe) in the Soviet Union (file OHLENDORF, Otto - XE000883); Hermann Hoefle, an SS officer involved in atrocities in Poland (file HOEFLE, HERMANN J. - AE544848WJ); and Ante Pavelic, leader of the Croatian terrorist organization known as Ustascha (file PAVELIC, Anton - XE001109). Covers 1939-1976.
RG 330 - Office of the Secretary of Defense
Foreign Scientist Case Files, 1945-1958
RG 342 - U.S. Air Force
Select documents released under the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Acts Relating to Japanese War Crimes (Entry ZZ-1004)
- Bulletin No. 28: Evading Capture in Malaya
- Chemical Warfare and Smoke Intelligence Bulletin No. 11
- Chemical Warfare and Smoke Intelligence Bulletin No. 12
- Chemical Warfare and Smoke Intelligence Bulletin No. 14
- Escape and Evasion Report
- Jap Prison Camps. Jap Interrogation of P/Ws
- MIS-X Section Monthly Report, April 1945
- MIS-X Section Monthly Report, May 1945
- MIS-X Section Reports
- MIS-X Section Reports
- Target Information
- War Diary
RG 493 - U.S. Army Forces in the China-Burma-India Theater
Formerly Classified General Records, October 1944–May 1946
- Container 674: Finance THRU Burma-Bhamo Meeting: 2 Apr. 1945
- Container 675: China THRU Miscellaneous Incoming Radios War Crimes
- Container 676: War Crimes Commission - General - Section II (Worksheets, drafts, copies, etc.) THRU Mizutani - Prosecution Evidence
Records Relating to War Crimes, 1945–September 1946
- Container 679: War Crimes Commission-General-Section II THRU Donavan Report
- Container 680: Interrogation Reports of War Crimes Suspects (L-Z) THRU Outgoing Radios: Singapore
- Container 681: War Crimes: POW and Internees (Deceased) Ran Goon Cases THRU Miscellaneous Statements Taken from Civilians
- Container 682: Photostatic Copies of Jap. officials and guards involved at Thailand POW Camps THRU CIC Report - 22 Sep. 1945
- Container 683: Original Signed Exhibits: Prisoners of War Statements THRU OSS Case
- Container 684: SEAC POW Report: Appendix, Copy No. 1 THRU Rape of Hong Kong, etc.
- Container 685: War Crimes: General THRU SS Houston