Nuclear Testing and Related Films

All videos listed below are in the public domain and hosted at the Internet Archive. Some films may appear discolored due to a combination of age and a protective coating placed over the negatives to prevent scratching.

Department of Energy

1945 - Trinity Shot
1948 - Operation Sandstone
1948 - EG&G in Operation Sandstone
1951 - Operation Greenhouse
1951/1953 - Atomic Blasts: Operations Greenhouse Through Upshot-Knothole
1953 - Technical Report: Tumbler-Snapper
1957 - Operation Plumbob Weapons Development Report
1961 - Project GNOME
1962 - Project Sedan
1962 - 1962 Pacific Nuclear Tests
1962 - Dominic Fireballs
1962 - JTF-8 Presents Operation Dominic Nuclear Tests 1962
1962 - JTF-8 Presents Operation Dominic: Christmas Island; EG&G Operation Dominic Photography, Bluestone Event
1962 - JTF-8 Presents Operation Dominic: Johnston Island
1962 - Dominic Sunset
1962 - Starfish Prime Interim Report by Commander, JTF-8; Fishbowl Auroral Sequences; Dominic on Fishbowl Phenomenon; Fishbowl XR Summary
1964 - Tonopah Test Range: An Outdoor Laboratory Facility
1965 - SADM Delivery by Parachutist/Swimmer
1968/1973 - Excavating with Nuclear Explosives: Technology Status Report, Plowshare Program; Plowshare
1968 - AEC "Plowshare" Excavation Project, Schooner Event
1968 - The Warm Coat
1969 - Project RUSILON
1969 - The Milrow Event
ca. 1970s - Developing and Producing the B-61
1970 - The Amchitka Program
1971 - Project CANNIKIN Review
1973 - The First Twenty-Five Years
ca. 1990s - Nuclear Testing Review
2004 - U.S. Strategic Nuclear Policy, an Oral History, 1945-2004

Department of Defense

1950 - Basic Physics of an Atomic Bomb
1951 - Military Participation on Buster/Jangle; Operation Ranger
1951 - Staff Film Report No. 177: Exercise Desert Rock
1952 - Atomic Guided Missiles
1952 - Atomic Weapons Tests: Trinity through Buster-Jangle
1952/1961 - Atomic Weapons Orientation Part III: A Special Weapons Orientation: Weapons Family; Part IV: Atomic Weapons Support Operations (Revised)
1952 - Military Participation on Tumbler/Snapper
1952 - Operation Ivy
1952 - United States Air Force Atomic Bomb Delivery Aircraft (Piloted)
1953 - Operation Castle: Commander's Report
1953/1955 - Operation Doorstep; Operation Cue
1953 - Operation Upshot-Knothole
1953 - Operation Upshot-Knothole, Project 5.2, Atomic Weapons Effects on B-50 Aircraft
1953 - The 280-mm Gun at the Nevada Proving Ground
1954 - Let's Face It
1954 - Atomic Weapons Orientation Part V: Effects of Atomic Weapons; Part VI: The Thermonuclear Weapon
1954 - Operation Teapot: Military Effects Studies
1955 - Operation Wigwam
1956 - Operation Redwing
1956 - Military Effects on Operation REDWING
1957 - Operation Plumbob: Military Effects Studies
1958 - Operation Hardtack, Military Effects Studies, Part One, Basic Effects, Structures and Materiel (Operation Hardtack I)
1958 - Operation Hardtack, Military Effects Studies, Part Two, High Altitude Studies (Operation Hardtack I)
1958 - Operation Hardtack, Military Effects Studies, Part Three, Underwater Tests (Operation Hardtack I)
1958 - Operation Hardtack, Military Effects Studies, Part Four, Sub-Kiloton Effects (Operation Hardtack II) | Telecine transfer
1958 - Report of Chief, AFSWP to ARPA (Operation ARGUS)
1960/1965 - Atomic Weapons Orientation Part I (Revised); Part II: Basic Atomic Weapons (Revised)
1962 - Operation Fishbowl 1962: High Altitude Weapons Effects
1962 - Technical Training Film Bulletin No. 45, Part II: Talos Missile Handling, Cruiser Installation
1962 - Vela Uniform Participation in Operation Nougat and Gnome
1963 - High Altitude Nuclear Weapon Effects Part One: Phenomenology
1963 - High Altitude Nuclear Weapon Effects Part Two: Systems Interference
1965 - Project Long Shot
1972 - Meeting the Terrorist Threat
1974 - Hybla Fair
Undated - DASIAC Damage and Destruction Roll

U.S. Air Force

1948 - The United States Air Force Presents its Part in Operation Sandstone
1948 - Blast Measurement Group in Operation Sandstone
1948 - Radiological Safety on Operation Sandstone
1953 - Operation Tumbler: A Photographic Study of Blast and Thermal Phenomena
1953 - Target Nevada
1958 - Excerpts From Operation Hardtack
1958 - Power of Decision
1958 - Power of Decision Outtakes
1959 - Operation Headstart - Airborne Alert
ca. 1960s - SAC Command Post
1960 - Development of the Soviet Ballistic Missile Threat
1960 - Nuclear Effects During SAC Delivery Missions
1961 - B-52 Crash, Yuba City, CA

U.S. Army

1948 - United States Army Engineer in Operation Sandstone
1962 - Ivy Flats Film Report
1963 - Technical Proficiency Inspection

U.S. Navy

1946 - Project Crossroads
1946 - Atomic Explosion: The Story of Five Atomic Bombs
1948 - The Navy's Part in Operation Sandstone
ca. 1950s - Naval Atomic Weapons Vulnerability Program
1959 - Delivery of Atomic Weapons by Light Carrier Aircraft
1962 - Mark 43 and Mark 57 Weapons: Shipboard Handling Including Aircrafit Loading
1962 - Torpedo Mk 45 (Nuclear): Systems Description (MN 9611b)
1963 - ASROC Weapons System-Introduction
1976 - Nuclear Effects at Sea
Composite No. 1 - Swordfish, Sailor Hat (Conventional Test), ASROC, SUBROC
