
Archives, General

Army Publishing Directorate
CIA Seized Abbottabad Records
Combined Arms Research Library
Cornell University Library: Hip-Hop Collection
Cornell University Library: Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection
Daniel Ellsberg Papers
FERC Enron Records
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
Foreign Relations of the United States at University of Wisconsin-Madison
GMU Critical Infrastructure Protection Digital Archive
GWU Torture Archives
Hacking Team Archive
International Brotherhood of Teamsters Archives
Los Angeles Metro Library Archives
Perseus Digital Library
Spanish Ministry of Defense Virtual Library
UCSF Industry Documents Library
UT Austin: Perry-Castaneda Map Collection
West Point Combating Terrorism Center
CTC Harmony Program

Archives, Congressional Hearings/Reports

Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Covert Operation Hearings
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) Hearings
Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI) Investigation Before the Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs
BCCI Affair Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations (Kerry Committee)
Elimination of German Resources for War
FBI Compliance With the Freedom of Information Act
Hearings Before the Committee on the Judiciary to Impeach Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States of America
Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations (Kerry Committee)
Hearings of the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack
Hearings of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, 1939-1974
Hearings Relating to the Madison Guaranty S&L and the Whitewater Development Corporation
Hearings of the Select Committee to Conduct an Investigation of the Facts, Evidence, and Circumstances of the Katyn Forest Massacre
Hearings of the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi
Reports of the Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or Management Field (McClellan Committee/Senate Labor Rackets Committee)
Hearings of the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities (Ervin Committee)
Hearings of the Special Committee to Investigate Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce (Kefauver Committee)
Malmedy Massacre Investigation
Oversight of Federal Procurement Decisions on Wedtech
Presidential Directive on the Use of Polygraphs and Prepublication Review
Prisoners of War/Missing in Action Hearings and Reports
Reports of the Special Committee to Investigate the Munitions Industry (Nye Committee)

Archives, Datasets

Citizens Police Data Project
Enron Emails
Enron Emails 2011-04-02 Dataset
Enron Emails 2015-05-07 Dataset
FAA Aircraft Registry
FAA Special Use Airspace
Immigrant Defense Project ICE Raids Map
OpenCorporates Corporate Registry
OpenOwnership Corporate Registry
OpenOversight LEO Database
OpenSanctions Sanction Database
Sam Lavigne ICE Linkedin Profile Dataset
SEC EDGAR Database
Surveillance Industry Index
University of Maryland: Global Terrorism Database
Tim Kaine Emails
Wikileaks: ICWATCH
Wikileaks: ICE Patrol

Archives, Independent Commissions

Commission on the Organization of the Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy (Murphy Commission)
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) | September 11th Records

Archives, Library of Congress

American Memory
American Memory: A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation, U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1873
American Memory: Documents from the Continental Congress and the Constiutional Convention, 1774 to1789
American Memory: George Washington Papers
American Memory: James Madison Papers, 1723 to 1859
American Memory: Journals of the Continental Congress
American Memory: Thomas Jefferson Papers, 1608 to 1827
American Silent Feature Film Survival Database: The Survival of American Silent Feature Films, 1912-1929
Country Studies
Historic American Buildings Survey
Internal Workings of the Soviet Union
Military Legal Resources
POW/MIA Databases and Documents
Repression and Terror: Stalin in Control
United States War Dept/Dept of the Army Field Manual Collection
United States War Dept/Dept of the Army Technical Manual Collection
Vietnam-Era Prisoner-of-War/Missing-in-Action Database

Archives, National Archives

National Archives Catalog
9/11 Commission | Commission Open Files
Founders Online
Grombach Organization (The Pond). 1942-1955
Henry Morgenthau Papers
Holocaust-Era Assets
JFK Act Records Search
Nazi War Crimes/Imperial Japanese Government Disclosure Acts Declassified Records
Record Group Master Index

Archives, Photos

Flickr: 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment
Flickr: America's Navy
Flickr: Central Intelligence Agency
Flickr: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Flickr: Chief, National Guard Bureau
Flickr: Department of Defense
Flickr: Department of Energy
Flickr: Department of Energy National Labs
Flickr: Deputy Secretary of Defense
Flickr: DoD Visual Storytelling Workshop
Flickr: Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region/Military District of Washington
Flickr: NATO
Flickr: National Guard
Flickr: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Flickr: Office of the Secretary of Defense
Flickr: Office of the Secretary of Defense Historical Office
Flickr: Office of the Secretary of Defense Personnel & Readiness
Flickr: Office of the Secretary of Defense Public Affairs
Flickr: Office of the Secretary of Defense Public Affairs (Alternate)
Flickr: Secretary of the Army
Flickr: Secretary of the Navy
Flickr: The White House
Flickr: US Army Africa
Flickr: US Embassy Madrid
Flickr: US Embassy Tallinn
Flickr: US European Command
Flickr: US Mission Geneva
Flickr: U.S. Air Force
Flickr: U.S. Agency for International Development
Flickr: U.S. Army
Flickr: U.S. Army Europe
Flickr: U.S. Army Fort Huachuca
Flickr: U.S. Central Command
Flickr: U.S. Coast Guard
Flickr: U.S. Navy
Flickr: U.S. Department of State
Flickr: U.S. Department of the Treasury
Flickr: U.S. Embassy London
Flickr: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Southwest Region
Flickr: U.S. Indo-Pacific Command
Flickr: U.S. Military Academy West Point
Flickr United States Forces Korea
Flickr: United States Marine Corps
Flickr: United States Naval Academy
Flickr: United States Southern Command

Archives, Presidential Libraries

FDR Library Catalog
Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
Harry Truman Library Catalog
JFK Library Catalog
LBJ Library Catalog
Richard Nixon Library Catalog
Gerald Ford Library Catalog
Jimmy Carter Library Catalog
Ronald Reagan Library Catalog
George H.W. Bush Library Catalog
William J. Clinton Digital Library
George W. Bush Digital Library

Archives, Secret Police Organizations

Albania - Authority for Information About Former State Security Documents (in Albanian)
Argentina - Memoria Abierta (in Spanish and English)
Argentina - Truth and Memory Commission Archives (in Spanish)
Bulgaria - Commission for the Disclosure of Documents (in Bulgarian and English)
Bulgaria - Institute for Studies of the Recent Past (in Bulgarian and English)
Chile - Documentation and Archive Foundation of the Vicarate of Solidarity (in Spanish)
Colombia - National Center for Historical Memory (in Spanish)
Croatia - Center for Dealing With the Past
Czech Rep. - Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes (in Czech and English)
Estonia - National Archives of Estonia (in Estonian and English)
Estonia - Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom (in Estonian and English)
Germany - Federal Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the Former German Democratic Republic (in German and English)
Germany - Federal Foundation for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in East Germany (in German)
Guatemala - National Police Historical Archive (in Spanish and English)
Hungary - Committee of National Rememberance (in Hungarian and English)
Hungary - Historical Archive of the Hungarian State Security Organizations (in Hungarian)
Hungary - The 1956 Institute - Oral History Archive (in Hungarian and English)
Latvia - National Archives: Select KGB Records (in Latvian)
Lithuania - Genocide & Resistance Research Center of Lithuania (in Lithuanian)
Lithuania - International Commission for the Evaluation of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania (in Lithuanian and English)
Lithuania - Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania (in Lithuanian and English)
Paraguay - Archivo Del Terror (in Spanish and English)
Poland - Institute of National Rememberance (in Polish and English)
Romania - National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives (in Romanian)
Russia - Memorial (in Russian and English)
Slovakia - Nation's Memory Institute (in Slovakian and English)
Slovenia - Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (in Slovenian and English)
Slovenia - Study Center for National Reconciliation (in Slovenian and English)
South Africa - South African History Archive
South Africa - Traces of Truth
South Africa - Truth and Reconciliation Commission Videotape Collection
South Africa - Truth Commission Special Report
South Korea - Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (in Korean and English)
Tunisia - Truth and Dignity Commission (in Arabic and English)

Archives, State Department Records

Diplomatic Cables, 1973-1974
Diplomatic Cables, 1973 | Redaction Cards
Diplomatic Cables, 1974 | Redaction Cards
Diplomatic Cables, 1975 | Redaction Cards
Diplomatic Cables, 1976 | Redaction Cards
Diplomatic Cables, 1977 | Redaction Cards
Diplomatic Cables, 1978 | Redaction Cards
Diplomatic Cables, 1979
2006 Mexican Presidential Election
Allegations of Drug Trafficking in Los Angeles
AMIA Bombing
Argentina | Argentina Presidential Records
Bay of Pigs
Che Guevara
El Salvador
Keystone Pipeline
Misc. FOIA
Henry Kissinger Telephone Transcripts
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons


The Harvard Classics | Direct Download
The Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction
Vol. 1 (The History of Tom Jones - a Foundling Vol. 1 by Henry Fielding)
Vol. 2 (The History of Tom Jones - a Foundling Vol. 2 by Henry Fielding)
Vol. 3 (A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy by Laurence Sterne; Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen)
Vol. 4 (Guy Mannering by Sir Walter Scott)
Vol. 5 (Vanity Fair Vol. 1 by William Makepeace Thackeray)
Vol. 6 (Vanity Fair Vol. 2 by William Makepeace Thackeray)
Vol. 7 (David Copperfield Vol. 1 by Charles Dickens)
Vol. 8 (David Copperfield Vol. 2 by Charles Dickens)
Vol. 9 (The Mill on The Floss by George Eliot)
Vol. 10 (American Fiction - Edgar Allan Poe, Edward Everett Hale, Washington Irving, Francis Bret Harte, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain)
Vol. 11 (The Portrait of a Lady by Hnery James Jr.)
Vol. 12 (Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Marie Hugo)
Vol. 13 (French Fiction - Honore de Balzac, George Sand, Alfred de Musset, Alphonse Daudet, Guy de Maupassant)
Vol. 14 (William Meister's Apprenticeship by J.W. von Goethe)
Vol. 15 (German Fiction - J.W. von Goethe, Gottfried Keller, Theodor Fontane, Theodor Storm)
Vol. 16 (Anna Karenin by Leo Tolstoy Vol. 1 - Garnett trans.)
Vol. 17 (Anna Karenin by Leo Tolstoy Vol. 2 - Garnett trans.; Ivan the Fool - Norraikow trans.)
Vol. 18 (Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky - Garnett trans.)
Vol. 19 (A House of Gentlefolk and Fathers and Children by Ivan Turgenev - Garnett trans.)
Vol. 20 (Pepita Jimenez by Juan Valera; A Happy Boy by Bjornsjterne Bjornson; Skipper Worse by Alexander L. Kielland)


Charles Babbage Institute
CRAY Y-MP emulator
Internet Mainframes Project
Kingpin Voicemail Collection
Marist Listservs
Marist VMSHARE Archives
Stanford AI Lab Archives.
Stanford Digital Library: 4chan Archive
Stanford Digital Library: Edward A. Feigenbaum Papers
Svensson ITS Archives

Court Cases

International Criminal Court Legal Tools Database
United States v. Chelsea Manning (Unofficial Transcripts)
| Formerly Redacted Appellate (Pre-Trial) Exhibits
| Appellate Exhibits 0-99
| Appellate Exhibits 100-199
| Appellate Exhibits 200-299
| Appellate Exhibits 300-399
| Appellate Exhibits 400-499
| Appellate Exhibits 500-551
| Trial Appellate Exhibits
| Defense Exhibits
| Prosecution Exhibits
United States v. Usama Bin Laden
United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui

FOIA Resources

Air Force Declassification Office
Air Force History Index
Army Center of Military History
DTIC Technical Report Source Search
ISCAP Released Documents
Navy FOIA Page

Government Sites

Air War College Gateway
All Partners Access Network
Department of Defense Social Media Index
Foreign Military Studies Office
Joint Acquisition CBRN Knowledge System [PKI Required]
Joint Interoperability Test Command
Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense
Naval Research Lab, Space Systems Development Department
Office of Military Commissions
Operational Environment Data Integration Network (ODIN)
Operational Environment Enterprise


Art of the Title
Dennis Degan NBC Photo Collection
First Sounds
Lost Media Wiki
Marion Stokes' Input
Music from Jon Bois' Pretty Good
Paley Center Catalog
UCLA Film and Television Archive Catalog
Vanderbilt Television News Archive


AT&T Restricted and Confidential Documents
AT&T Tech Channel Archives
Bell System Memorial
Bell System Practices
Bell System Technical Journal, 1922-1983
Bell System Technical Journal, 1922-1983 @ IA
Evan Doorbell Phone Phreak Tapes
Exploding the Phone Doc Search
Telecommunications History Group
Telephone Collectors International Library

Transparency Advocates

Bishop Accountability


Holy Maury, Mother of God
Keith B. Alexander
Real Businessmen
Wolf Choir Home Video
