CIA Internal Histories

Center for the Study of Intelligence Histories

50 Years in Langley: Recollections of the Construction of CIA's Original Headquarters Building 1961-2011
Eagle and Swastika: CIA and Nazi War Criminals and Collaborators (Draft)
Hearts and Minds: Three Case Studies of the CIA's Covert Support of American Anti-Communist Groups in the Cold War, 1949-1967
Notes From Our Attic: A Curator's Pocket History of the CIA

CSI Vietnam Histories

CIA and the House of Ngo: Covert Action in South Vietnam, 1954-1963
CIA and Rural Pacification in South Vietnam
CIA and the Generals: Covert Support to Military Government in South Vietnam
Good Questions, Wrong Answers: CIA's Estimate of Arms Traffic Through Sihanoukville, Cambodia During the Vietnam War
The Way We Do Things: Black Entry Operations Into North Vietnam
Undercover Armies: CIA and Surrogate Warfare in Laos

CIA Historical Staff Series

CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
The Central Intelligence Agency and Overhead Reconnaissance: U-2 and OXCART Programs, 1954-1974
Chronology 1946-65 Volume 1 1946-55
Chronology 1946-65 Volume 2 1956-65

The Clandestine Service Historical Series

CSHP 003 [Redacted] 55-65 (relates to Counterintelligence Staff)
CSHP 011 [Classified Title] (relates to Covert Action Staff)
CSHP 012 Covert Action Project Funds FY 64 and FY 65, Dec 47-Jan 65
CSHP 015 Funding Covert Operations, 60-64
CSHP 016 Book Projects (Survey for DDP) 50-Sep 62
CSHP 017 [Classified Title] (relates to Covert Action Staff)
CSHP 018 [Classified Title] (relates to Covert Action Staff)
CSHP 019 [Classified Title] (relates to Covert Action Staff)
CSHP 024 Report on Berlin Operations Base, January 1946-March 1948
CSHP 031 Establishment & Early Development of the Office of Policy Coordination, 48-49
CSHP 044 The Inspection and Review Staff, DDP, October 1952-April 1959
CSHP 060 The Unnkown Political Prisoner, A Pschological Warfare Case Study 51-53
CSHP 061 [Classified Title] (relates to Covert Action Staff)
CSHP 062 The Defeat of the Binh Xuyen Sect by the Diem Government, 10 March-3 April 1955, 15 Apr 1955, by Col. Edward G. Lansdale
CSHP 067 [Classified Title] (relates to Covet Action Staff)
CSHP 071 History of Maritime Activities Korea (1950-1956)
CSHP 075 The Saigon Liaison Mission, 1952—1954, August 1967
CSHP 080 [Classified Title] (relates to Africa Staff)
CSHP 085 [Classified Title]
CSHP 087 Civil Air Transport (CAT): A Proprietary Airline, 1946-1955
CSHP 098 The Illegal Border Crossing Program, 1946-1959
CSHP 105 Record of Paramilitary Action Against the Castro Government of Cuba, 17 March 1960 - May 1961
CSHP 113 The Saigon Military Mission: June 1954-December 1956, October 1970, Vols. I-II
CSHP 117
CSHP 150 The Berlin Tunnel Operation
CSHP 159 The Correspondence (CR) Branch, RID, 1949-1966
CSHP 160 Aspects of the Air and Ground War in Laos
CSHP 161 The Foreign Intelligence Operations Group, 1945-1965
CSHP 168
CSHP 196 The 1967 Crisis in Covert Action Operations
CSHP 198 A Chronology of Events in the Records Integration Division & Its Predecessors, 45-65
CSHP 200 The Automation of RID, 55-65
CSHP 211
CSHP 213 FI Staff Handling of Relations with Department of State & with Ambassadors, 57-67
CSHP 218 History of the Reference Branch, RID, 45-65
CSHP 221
CSHP 225 CIA Relationship with the Ukranian Movement
CSHP 227 The Processing Branch, RID, 45-65
CSHP 251 The Central Cover Staff, 1946-1970
CSHP 339 Infiltration and Resupply of Agents in North Korea (1952-1953), Vols. I-III
CSHP 326
CSHP 355 Covert Action Operations: Soviet Russia Division, 1950-1968
CSHP 373
CSHP 384
  • 2.040 History of FI/D
  • 2.104 History of [Redacted] (relates to Special Operations Division)
  • 2.108 FI Staff Coordination under NSCID No. 5, 1951-1967 (draft as of 8 Aug 1972)
  • 2.124 [Classified Title] (relates to FI/D)
  • 2.132 Vietnam
  • 2.145 History of TSD, Headquarters
  • 2.149 History of the FI Staff (to 1960)
  • 2.169 [Classified Title] (relates to Africa Division)
  • 2.170 [Classified Title] (relates to Africa Division)
  • 2.191 FI Intelligence Group
  • 2.197 [Classified Title] (relates to Far East Division)
  • 2.205 [Classified Title] (relates to Far East Division)
  • 2.215 POW Intelligence
  • 2.216 Coordination and Planning Commissions (SHAPE)
  • 2.220 CS Special Group Functions/History of the FI Staff to 1960
  • 2.223 [Classified Title] (relates to Covert Action Staff)
  • 2.229 History of OSO
  • 2.230 History of DDP-Dulles/Wisner Period
  • 2.231 History of DDP-[Redacted]
  • 2.232 History of DDP-DDP-Helms Period
  • 2.236 [Classified Title] (relates to Africa Division)
  • 2.242 History of IO Division/Covert Action in the Cold War -- An Historical Perspective of the IO Division, 1951-1962
  • 2.244 [Classified Title] (relates to Covert Action Staff)
  • 2.246 Labor Progran
  • 2.255 CI Staff and Predecessor Organizations
  • 2.256 History of DO Division
  • 2.257 [Classified Title] (relates to Directorate of Operations
  • 2.260 [Classified Title] (relates to Central Cover Staff/Special Operations Division)
  • 2.262 [Classified Title] (relates to Central Cover Staff)
  • 2.264 [Classified Title] (relates to Central Cover Staff)
  • 2.266 History of EUR Division
  • 2.267 [Classified Title] (relates to Africa Division)
  • 2.272 [Classified Title] (relates to Africa Division)
  • 2.276 [Classified Title] (relates to Far East Division)
  • 2.279 [Classified Title] (relates to Far East Division)
  • 2.281 [Classified Title] (relates to Far East Division)
  • 2.282 [Classified Title] (Western Hemisphere station history)
  • 2.284 [Classified Title] (relates to Far East Division)
  • 2.285 [Classified Title] (relates to Far East Division)
  • 2.287 [Classified Title] (relates to Far East Division)
  • 2.288 [Classified Title] (relates to Africa Division)
  • 2.289 FI Special Ops Group
  • 2.290 FI Scientific Intelligence Group/History of the FI Scientific Intelligence Group (1959-1965)
  • 2.291 FI Intelligence Group/History of FI Intelligence Group (Oct 45-Aug 68)
  • 2.297 CIA Influence on Relationships between Third Parties
  • 2.304 CS Budgetary Functions
  • 2.311 [Classified Title] (relates to Near East Division)
  • 2.315 [Classified Title] (relates to Near East Division)
  • 2.318 History of NE Division
  • 2.319 Organizational Services and its Predecessor Organizations
  • 2.320 History of RID Training Office
  • 2.322 [Classified Title] (relates to Soviet Bloc Division)
  • 2.324 History of WH Division
  • 2.330 [Classified Title] (Western Hemisphere station history)
  • 2.331 [Classified Title] (Western Hemisphere station history)
  • 2.332 [Classified Title] (Western Hemisphere station history)
  • 2.336 PM Contingency Cadres
  • 2.337 [Classified Title] (relates to Special Operations Division)
  • 2.341 [Classified Title] (relates to Special Operations Division)
  • 2.342 [Classified Title] (relates to Special Operations Division)
  • 2.343 [Classified Title] (relates to Special Operations Division)
  • 2.348 [Classified Title] (relates to Special Operations Division)
  • 2.349 Air Support of Cuban Operations 1960-1962
  • 2.350 [Classified Title] (relates to Special Operations Division)
  • 2.353 [Classified Title] (relates to Technical Services Division)
  • 2.357 [Classified Title] (relates to Special Operations Division)
  • 2.366 [Classified Title] (Western Hemisphere station history)
  • 2.367 [Classified Title] (Western Hemisphere station history)
  • 2.368 [Classified Title] (Western Hemisphere station history)
  • 2.371 [Classified Title] (relates to Western Hemisphere Division)
  • 2.375 [Classified Title] (Western Hemisphere station history)
  • 2.376 [Classified Title] (Western Hemisphere station history)
  • 2.383 [Classified Title] (relates to Africa Division)
  • 2.388 [Classified Title] (relates to Africa Division)
  • 2.389 Fifty-Four Days to Victory in the Congo: CIA's Operation Against Lumumba in 1960
  • The DCI Historical Series

    Early Histories

    HS-1 The Central Intelligence Agency: An Instrument of Government, to 1950
    HS-3 CIA Support Functions: Organization and Accomplishments of the DDA-DDS Group, 1953-1956

    The Directors of Central Intelligence

    DCI-1 General Walter Bedell Smith as Director of Central Intelligence October 1950 - February 1953 Volume I The Essential Background
    DCI-1 General Walter Bedell Smith as Director of Central Intelligence October 1950 - February 1953 Volume II Bedell Smith Takes Command
    DCI-1 General Walter Bedell Smith as Director of Central Intelligence October 1950 - February 1953 Volume III Reorganization Pursuant to NSC 50
    DCI-1 General Walter Bedell Smith as Director of Central Intelligence October 1950 - February 1953 Volume IV The War Emergency and the Clandestine Services
    DCI-1 General Walter Bedell Smith as Director of Central Intelligence October 1950 - February 1953 Volume V External Relations
    DCI-2 Allen Welsh Dulles as Director of Central Intelligence 23 February 1953 - 29 November 1961 Volume III Covert Activities
    DCI-4 History of SIGINT in the Central Intelligence Agency, 1947-70
    DCI-5 Internal Audit of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1947 through 1967 [External File]
    DCI-6 Planning and Construction of the Agency Headquarters Building, January 1946 - July 1963
    DCI-7 The Office of the Inspector General, January 1952 - December 1971 [External File]
    DCI-8 Official History of the Bay of Pigs Operation | Volume V Draft
    John McCone as Director of Central Intelligence, 1961-1965
    William E. Colby as Director of Central Intelligence, 1973-1976

    Miscellaneous Series

    MS-2 Office of Scientific Research and Development History of Division 19
    MS-5 The Relationship Between The Director For National Estimates And Deputy Director For Intelligence

    The Directorate of Intelligence Historical Series

    OBGI-1 National Intelligence Survey Program 1948-1968
    OCI-1 A History of the Central Intelligence Bulletin, 1951-1967

    Directorate of Science & Technology Histories

    OSA-1 History of the Office of Special Activities From Inception to 1969
    OSI-1 OFfice of Scientific Intelligence, 1949-1968
    OSP-1 Office Of Special Projects 1965-1970 Volume Two Chapters III-IV & Source References
    CORONA Program History

    The Support Services Historical Series

    OP-3 The Office of Personnel: Special Activities Staff, 1957-70

    Miscellaneous Studies

    MISC-18 Donovan and the CIA: A History Of The Establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency
    The Battle for Iran
    CIA Watergate History - Draft
    Francis Gary Powers: The Unmaking of a Hero, 1960-1965 (outline)
    Historical Background of the Central Intelligence Agency (excerpts)
    History of Personal Affairs Branch
    History of the Office of Communications
    Family Jewels
    Legislative History of the Central Intelligence Agency - Draft
    OSS War Report Vol. 1 - Washington Organization
    OSS War Report Vol. 2 - Operations in the Field

    Other Identified Volumes

  • MISC-20 Eisenhower and Reconnaissance
  • OCI-5 Keeping the President Informed
  • OMS-8, The Role of Medicine in Clandestine Operations, 1947-1965
  • Sources

    Declassifying CIA's Internal Histories